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Travis County Commssioners Court
May 25, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 13

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13 b. Receive e registration demonstration highlighting the benefits of this new training and development initiative. We will call up the health insurance item next, I see several people here on that one, right?
>> we are actually excited, Commissioners, to come before you today with a demonstration of our electronic registration program, computer based online registration program that was created by our i.t.s. Department. As you might remember, when we presented to you I guess a few weeks ago, you approved the managing employee performance and discipline initiative, there were many, many moving parts to that overall initiative. One of the concern that's we expressed was that we needed to become more automated in delivering our h.r. Services. As russell is setting up, he asked that I give some opening remarks, so I'm not delaying this on purpose. One of the things that we moved about doing was working with i.t.s., Russell led that effort. [indiscernible] was assigned out of h.r. And cecile bolan out of i.s. To develop this program that is not only beneficial to h.r. Training but also county-wide departments can register classes and use this particular program. It appears that russell is ready now. So we'll just turn it over to russell, we will be coming back to you with a status report on the overall initiative, probably in the next couple of weeks on some items that you requested. Russell?
>> good morning, I'm russell hahn with i.t.s. This is in production, this isn't shopware or a flashy show. This is real, you can access it from your desk. We are asking the employee to put in their employee i.d. So we will know who they are. If the employee for some reason doesn't remember his employ i.d., We will allow them come to in and look it up with a social security number. I don't know the wisdom of using my social system number on tv here but I did.
>> it wasn't there.
>> not a big deal.
>> what we did at this point now I'm telling welcome, russell, your employ i.d. Number is, every opportunity that we had to educate and teach we took advantage of it. Our goals were to make it easy to register, make it easy to remember to come to class. To make it easy to cancel if you needed to. The class schedule, a lot more buttons on here that this is written for administrators and users. The county employers are going to see these top four buttons, that's all that I'm going to talk about. Right now the employee can see the classes that are scheduled. There are a lot of classes available. When the employee finds a class to take, technical writing would be a good one for me. I would just go over here and enroll. That's telling me all about the class and when it starts. It's asking me to make sure that I have permission to attend this class, asking me to put my supervisor's name down there. I can enroll in the class. Now I can see that the classes that I'm scheduled for are here. When I hit the enroll button, the system sent me an e-mail. In my e-mail box now, there is thank you for registering for this class, remember that you need to have a permission to take this class and if for some robe you need to cancel, click here. Right away we are letting the employ know you have taken an action, if it isn't satisfactory or good for you, you can bail out. I can also bail out right here. I can see by my schedule I'm not going to be able to make that class, I can cancel. On the class schedule you may have noticed that we have got a few classes that have a waiting list already. I can register and put myself on the waiting list. If someone else cancels, the system will automatically bump me into the class and send me an e-mail at that point. Though no one has to take any action of monitoring and maintain being waiting lists and it's automatic, the system will do it. It sends me an e-mail that says you are now in the class. If I can't attend I cancel the next person. The waiting list gets that opportunity. I can see the classes I'm taken, signed up for. I can go look for the course catalog, these are all of the classes that currently ever adult in Travis County. So there's some computer classes, some things in here. I may be interested in taking this access class, so I will click there. It says well, there aren't any scheduled right now. Well, tell you what, why don't you send me an e-mail when you do schedule one. When i.t.s. Starts teaching he those classes again, when I get a class, they will say this class is now available, you can register for it. And then the last thing the students are going to be interested in is -- is their did profile, where are we sending e-mail, what's their phone number, giving them an opportunity to keep their profile up to date and most important is how do they want their certificate printed. I want my full time in on the certificate. There.
>> was there anything that's going to feedback information to linda and her folks at h.r. That basically says hey we have now got a waiting list of 20 people in class x, perhaps it's time for you to schedule that or some kind of feedback so they can kind of monitoring, ooh,, nobody is taking this, that's really not necessarily, a lot of people waiting on driver's education, we need to do more of those.
>> we have got the register screen here so that day to day they can go and look and they can see, you know, i've got 15 in this one, so there's an immediate feedback, we are going to write reports, we wanted to get the system into production, kind of hard to write reports when there's no data to report against. But we will write reports to the departments, you have got some people that are no-shows, maybe you want to just be aware of this and, you know, these are the people that are attending classes, but yes we'll have all of the data in a data base. We will be able to report with a -- write a report on it.
>> kind of critique our classes.
>> then the other thing to help the students remember that they have got a class is we send out an automatic notification. And h.r. And i.t. Both wanted a certain amount of notice before so that that whole waiting list thing could work. So we will send them a notice three days before the class, three full working days. That's so they have a chance to check the calendar and courtesy cancel if they need to. We will also send an e-mail the day before the class. We want to make it easy to remember to go to class.
>> [indiscernible]
>> missed the classes that a person could really choose to -- to enhance -- sorry, are you getting ready to say something, go ahead.
>> yes, there is a list. There's a list of the class that's are currently being offered, they can go to this list today and enroll in classes.
>> okay.
>> then there's a list that's the catalog of classes that we offer at any time. If the class that we want to take isn't currently offered, they can put themselves on a list to be notified, what we would do is feed the instructor's back. You have a demand for technical writing that you need to fill. 3 people want technical writing, it will be a really good tool for the i.t.s. And h.r. Instructors to evaluate not only who is attending classes but what classes they are asking for.
>> okay.
>> to enhance the internet and streamline processes to save time and bring convenience to the desk top of the employees, have them be able to register, open enrollment, change any of their dependent information, all from their desk without having to go to h.r. Or paul, they can do it right through the intranet.

Last Modified: Friday, May 26, 2004 7:00 PM