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Travis County Commssioners Court
May 11, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 24

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24. Consider and take appropriate action on request to approve the fy 04 job analysis project - part 1, including recommended job titles, pay grades and flsa designations.
>> good morning, alicia perez, executive manager for operations, I’m here for linda Moore smith and the director of compensation, also, lu ann shull. We have before you an item that requests your approval of recommended job titles, pay grades, flsa designations, that's fair labor standards act designations. And any other appropriate action. This is part 1 and it represents 859 or 80% of the laws that were reviewed as year 3 of the compensation and classification strategic plan that the court approved. As I stated before, we looked at over 1,000 slots, we looked at the titles, their job descriptions, at the appropriate classification, what their appropriate flsa status was and the report that you have today or the ones owe other the one that's we reached agreement or consensus with the departments. There's still some that are outstanding that we continue to work with the departments and we expect to bring the remainder of this report to you in June. I’m sorry, expect --
>> to bring the remainder of the report to you in June. This covers about 919 slots part 1. It covers seven job families and 34 departments that we have been working with.
>> no changes from when we went through this in work session in terms of everything that you all laid out in work session, no additions nor subtractions.
>> right.
>> are still not in --
>> they are outstanding.
>> what did we do last time about those that received compensation increases as a result of -- of adjustments being entitled to performance pay? Do you recall what the court did?
>> they -- what the court did the last time that we had dollars was allow the flexibility of the departments to make the changes in terms of performance or upgrade their slot to minimum of the pay grade, the new assignment.
>> but -- but did we -- did we vote to -- to disallow performance pay if the -- if the adjustment was a certain percentage? Is that --
>> some years ago. I can't remember at this moment exactly.
>> [indiscernible]
>> we don't need the answer today, but I would think if our determination is that if you need an adjustment as a result of the market salary survey, and we fund that, and it's over a certain percent, then with money being as tight as it is, assuming that we come up with performance pay money for rank and file, I mean, I would think that we may well have to impose some sort of restrictions.
>> sure.
>> we can bring that back to you.
>> yeah. I mean, we have some time to do that. But when we go through the budget process in determining what kind of money that we can scrape together may not -- that would be an important factor, I would think.
>> sure.
>> you will remember, too, that each time that each year this work has been approved, we have come back to you after the budget cycle to -- to put in place implementation parameters based on those discussion that's come out of the budget process as well as the action that's you take on these -- the actions that you take on these project that's we brought in. That would, perhaps, be one of those parameters that we would work with.
>> and this is really -- it's an administrative action, because there are no dollars attached to it. It says we are going to get all of this stuff straightened out, some folks become unred lined, if there's such a verb. Some folks would become green lined in terms of another verb that we have created here. As we go through the budgetary process, I think you are right. We need to say you probably need to take care of your green lines, first, but I would always defer to flexibility of departments to deal with their problems in terms what was they see as the most pressing problems within their department. They may very well see green lines as being their number one problem. But I’m also going to respect departments that say there's something else in this department that merits my attention before that. So this is just the administrative piece. It does not change anybody's salary.
>> that is correct. And in the past, we have usually set the implementation date for October 1st. And that allows the court and the -- and the -- us to go through the budget process and determine the appropriate funding, if any, for -- for the monetary part of any of these changes.
>> I simply asked the question to call our attention to some point in the budget process, we need to address that and would help me to know what we did last time.
>> uh-huh.
>> with that understanding, I move approval of 24.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thanks, guys.
>> thank you all very much.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:23 AM