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Travis County Commssioners Court
May 4, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 19

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19. Discuss Travis County's proposed roadway element of campo's updated 2030 transportation plan, and take appropriate action.
>> on this item, joe gieselman with the transportation natural resources department, we may be a little premature on this item. The executive director of campo has placed an item on the agenda for next Monday night to deal with the update of the transportation plan. This is the long range plan. Anticipating that our component of that, to the roadway element, would be considered at the same time, we put this on the agenda. In all frankness, I think there's probably too much business to take care of Monday night at campo give very much the toll road proposal for campo to -- to do much with the update of the transportation plan. That in and of itself is a major topic at this time, I would recommend to the Commissioners court, ask that this item be postponed at the campo agenda the staff just got the official draft a couple of days ago. I think even we are uncomfortable in giving you comments on this plan as it stands and would need a little more time to do our analysis to make a recommendation to you about how to mend the long-range plan of campo. So I guess what I’m asking you to do is just postpone this item or at least take an action today to ask campo to postpone this item on Monday night.
>> joe and I talked about this one as well, we are still in the midst of updating the 2025 plan. We have gotten through most of the major amendments on that. But there is still a large chunk of them, primarily city of Austin proposed amendments for the 2025 plan that aren't going to be coming to cam pa at least a -- campo at least for a couple of months because of downgrading road sellingments and they -- road segments. In the meantime a toll way plan has come forward which is also a major amendment to the 2025 plan. When I asked joe, I said well when is the 2030 coming to campo for final adoption? It's like December, January, February of next year. So I personally want to get mr. Ahlick to give us almost like a calendar of when do they anticipate certain kinds of things hitting us because this thing is extraordinarily premature. If I really thought about this thing being on the agenda for next Monday, it's like this doesn't need to be coming to us right now, the toll way amendments and the pending amendments that we haven't even gotten yet on the city of Austin. They just got postponed.
>> move that we authorize joe to send an appropriate letter, asking that the -- that the county's participation and the county's input on the 2030 transportation plan be delayed. Do you want to delay it one month or delay it indefinitely, delay two months?
>> I would say delay indefinitely give us time to did I guest the plan amendments already on the table as well as the toll road plan. Let's get those settled out before we start going into the comprehensive review of the old plan.
>> you know that we digest very, very slowly, though. [laughter]
>> [indiscernible]
>> let's just just to delay. Let's not say how long. If they bring it up Monday night, we will ask that. I will get notice to [indiscernible] because he normally does a good job of notifying other members before the meeting date so they won't spend a lot of time getting ready for it. Was there a second to that motion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We don't need to put it back on court's agenda until later.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:38 AM