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Travis County Commssioners Court
May 4, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 5

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5. Approve proclamation recognizing may 6, 2004 as "law day" in Travis County "law day" in Travis County and recognize hon. Elisabeth earle, recipient of the outstanding young lawyer award, and county Commissioner Karen Sonleitner, recipient of the liberty bell award, from the Travis County bar association. Good earle had another commitment today. The proclamation reads: whereas law day is a celebration of our great heritage of liberty, justice and equality under law, whereas the united states supreme court case of brown versus board of education is a landmark in the nation's March to equality and a testament to the legal system's ability to establish and protect our rights; whereas the work of dedicated lawyers in brown and in hundreds of other cases challenging segregation demonstrated the highest standards of advocacy in the service of a great cause; whereas brown versus board of education not only ended legally imposed segregation in the schools but was instrumental in ending it in parks, libraries, all other public institutions; whereas the decision in brown versus board of education inspired [indiscernible] the civil rights movement and helped usher in an unprecedented era of progress, whereas may 17th, 2004 is the 50th anniversary of the decision in brown versus board as we celebrate law day 2004 we acknowledge this great milestone case and it's moral and legal imperative of equality under law and we renew our commitment to a so it of equality of opportunity and to a recognition of the value and richness of our diversity as a people, now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court does here by designate Thursday, may 6th 2004 as law day and urges all citizens of Travis County to observe the designated date and -- with appropriate ceremonies and activities and especially urge the legal professions around press to promote and participate in the observance of that date and I move approval.
>> second.
>> good morning.
>> good morning.
>> my name is michael, I’m a partner with vinson and elkins, president elect of the Travis County bar association and I’m pleased to be here. I have with me, the executive director of the Travis County bar association. In the late 1950's the american bar association instituted may 1 as law day to draw attention to both the principals and the practice of law and justice. Principles, president eisenhower established law day by proclamation in 1958. This year the Travis County bar association will present the annual law day luncheon on may 6th to celebrate law day as part of our celebration we will recognition exceptional individuals from the association and the community for their commitment to the law, the legal profession and our society. We will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of the u.s. Supreme court's ruling in brown versus board of education. There is no milestone in the March to equality that is more important than the brown decision. It is the culmination of a long line of court cases brought by the naacp legal defense fund, the decision not only struck down laws segregating public schools, but also sounded the death knell for government sanctioned segregation generally and made all americans more aware of our institution's promise of equality and helped launch the self rights movement. We will also honor judge elizabeth earle, Karen Sonleitner, larry langley from the law firm of akin gump will be presented with the professional award and betty valles-torres from -- used to be legal aid of central Texas and it is now called rio grande legal services or something like that, she will be presented the regina rogaf award. We will also recognize the student contest winner from galindo and westwood high school for their poster and essay attentions of the law day -- interpretations of the law day theme. We think it will be a great celebration for the legal profession in Travis County. We would invite all of the economic -- all of the Commissioners to come as our guest, marriott at the capitol, at 11:45 or noon, thank you for your proclamation today.
>> thank you. There will be a whole lot of lawyers gather understand one place there.
>> that's right. That's not, that's not a bad thing, is it.
>> no, sir.
>> one county Commissioner. [laughter]
>> thank you all.
>> special appreciation to Commissioner Sonleitner one of your honor reeds this year.
>> we do have a very fine program to celebrate the brown versus board decision. We would live for you all to see it.
>> great.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:38 AM