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Travis County Commssioners Court
May 4, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 3

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Number 3 is approve a resolution 2004 as "mental health month" in Travis County. We do have mhmr representatives here to receive this. It reads whereas mental health is essential to everyone's overall physical health and mental well-being. Whereas men tell ulness will strike one in five children regardless of rait, ethnicity, economic status, whereas people who have mental illnesses can recover and lead full productive lives. Whereas an estimated two-thirds of adults and young people who have mental health disorders are not receiving the health care they need. Whereas community based services that respond to individual and family needs are cost effective and beneficial to consumers and the community, whereas mental health month each may helps to raise awareness and understanding of mental health and illness, whereas Travis County hotel health and veterans services continues to build partnership with Austin Travis County mhmr center and other mental health service providers to ensure access to comprehensive service goes around supports and therefore be it resolved that we members of the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby proclaim the month of may as mental health month in Travis County and call upon the citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses and schools in Travis County to recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding with mental health and the need for appropriate and accessible services for all people who have mental illness and I move approval.
>> second.
>> good morning.
>> good morning.
>> I知 deborah scarborough from the Austin Travis County mhmr center. I want to invite everyone to go over on may 15th at 9:00 in the morning to a walk for the national association of mentally ill. Nomi walks. We will walk down to the capitol, walk back, go voigt and go on over to the race.
>> I知 abraham [indiscernible] acting director for adult mental health services for Austin Travis County mhmr. I wanted to thank the Commissioners for the proclamation that most of you probably know, some of you might not know, mental illness is a hidden health care issue. I appreciate that you are bringing it to the forefront so that we can at least this month make sure that we recognize that it is a public issue that needs to be addressed. Thoong you.
>> who is that to your immediate left there?
>> I知 donna lynn thompson Biscoe, Austin Travis County mhmr center, government community relations.
>> that's why you look familiar [laughter]
>> I should hope so.
>> my name is [indiscernible], I知 one of the parents with children that have mental health problems. , you are giving a partnership, recognition that they need, they have -- they deserve. My son is very challenging, bipolar, adhd, epilepsy, he's a challenge in itself. The partnership has helped us get him the education that he can get, to a different school. Also medication that medicaid couldn't help us. I知 here to thank the partnership and also giving the council, thank you, giving recognition.
>> thank you, thanks for coming down here.
>> my name is fred higgins, I知 a board member of the Travis County children's mental health partnership as a parent representative. And it -- I would really thank for you making this proclamation because mental health is something that affects all of us no matter what age, what color, what economic background or whatever. We are all touched by it. In fact we know that -- that one in five children are going to need mental health services at some point in their life. Just one category of mental health issues that is -- that is we know that one in 10 children will require services for serious emotional disturbance and without that -- without that research, however, shows that only one third of those kids are actually getting the help that they require. And without that care, we know that mental health issues can lead to family disturbance, discord, violence, even suicide. So -- so we appreciate the fact that the -- that the Commissioners recognize that one of the first steps in addressing a problem is to recognize it and that's what your proclamation does and we thank you for it.
>> thank you.
>> thank you, can we get the names of the others who -- who came today?
>> good morning, I知 christie keen, I work with the children's partnership and I知 at Travis County health and human services and veterans services.
>> my name is jin knee royal, I知 a care coordinator with the children's partnership. Jenny.
>> my name is ana vasquez, a care coordinator with the children's partnership.
>> my name is sarah [indiscernible]
>> I知 laura atkins with the office of children's services.
>> we appreciate all of you and all that you do and I guess we will do it much better now than we did 10, 20 years ago, but we could do much more, right?
>> yes.
>> thank you.
>> thank you. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thanks.
>> thank you very much.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:38 AM