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Travis County Commssioners Court
April 27, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 34

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We said that we would call up this item at 11:00, it's about 4 minutes till. It's pretty straightforward. I don't know that there would be any opposition to it. And the item -- the item to which I refer is number 34. Which is to consider and take appropriate action on request to approve license agreement between Travis County and imagine art. In the lobby of domestic relations at 1010 lavaca.
>> I move approval.
>> second.
>> let me ask two questions.
>> okay. One is that this contract is for one year.
>> that's correct. Do we want it on a violate basis that's shorter to see what the impact is?
>> we could do that. It will be a rotating art exhibit. We haven't decided how long we would.
>> there would not be sales transactions in the lobby of the county building.
>> oh, no.
>> simply be able to see the art and I guess a contact person -- information --
>> you know they have one of those little signs that will take -- that will tell people who to contact. We won't have anything to do with that.
>> actually, we used to have art in that building when -- when nelda was in that space, and armado pena very graciously allowed his art work to be displayed there, we were very fortunate that that work was out there. Fortunately I have the good example that the city of Austin and state capitol have already piloted this for us, with great result and it's nice to see the capitol filled with art work. My question is, is there any possible way that we might also be able to too get some of your -- to get some of our young people down at gardner-betts who have a very active art program down there, that they might be able to be considered as part of that rotation as well as a positive way that we can reinforce their artistic skills right now the -- the real estate council has an art auction that they do on our behalf every year. It brings in money for the kiddos to go back into the program. Doesn't go to an individual. That's displayed usually in one of the downtown bank buildings, but a temporary kind of thing. I'm wondering if that might be something that we can visit them, can you go talk to the gang getting some of those young people to be positively reinforced about their abilities.
>> certainly. Commissioner. We have plenty of display space, in our family room, conference rooms, that the public comes into besides our lobby, too.
>> if anybody goes to my office, which is filled with mexican art, but also three paintings by some of our young people down at gardner-betts that I copy on display in my reception room. I get very positive comments from the kids.
>> I brought a portfolio this morning, if you would like to look at some of this work. Debbie williams, the executive director, could not be here this morning in houston on business.
>> are we authorized to terminate this lease before the expiration of one year. I believe john hilly can correct me. If we are only able to terminate this if imagine art violates the terms of the lease. The licensing agreement, is that correct? -- is that correct, john.
>> I will look at that, I thought we talked about 30 days notice, but I don't see that making it in there.
>> most of our contracts have that 30 day termination.
>> I guess my concern is that you never know what the impact will be.
>> I do have the final say-so over what art will be shown in our lobby. Some of this would not be appropriate for our lobby. We would want something that children would enjoy, families, that type of thing.
>> what's the price range on --
>> you know, Commissioner, I don't know. I don't know.
>> they are just looking for a place to display --
>> art in public places.
>> any more discussion.
>> put one right here.
>> I will send a memo to you.
>> you control what art is displayed.
>> yes, sir.
>> you are the county's point person.
>> that's correct, that's in the licensing agreement. You are the one that we blame if we don't like the results? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much.
>> thank you.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:46 AM