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Travis County Commssioners Court
April 20, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 4

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4. Approve proclamation recognizing April 19 through April 23, 2004 as "pipeline safety awareness week" in Travis County. And [indiscernible] can read the proclamation. It reads: whereas there are 1.7 million miles of underground high pressure pipelines in the united states, whereas Texas has more underground pipelines than any other state in the nation; whereas Travis County recognizes the dangers posed to the lives and property when pipeline accidents occur, whereas continued development of Travis County increases the chances of pipeline accidents, whereas Travis County capital area fire chief's association and daniel dawn smallly foundation acknowledge the best practice to prevent pipeline accidents is through training and education, whereas the commission is to provide pipeline safety training to reduce the risk of accidents and loss of life and property, whereas the daniel dawn smallly foundation in cooperation with txu gas, will be conducted pipeline safety awareness classes throughout Travis County for public safety and public service personnel during pipeline safety awareness week. Now therefore be it resolved that we, the Travis County Commissioners court proclaim April 19th through April 23rd 2004 as pipeline safety awareness week in Travis County and encourage all public safety, public service agencies and residents of Travis County to learn more about pipeline security and I move approval.
>> second.
>> thank you.
>> good morning, my name is pete baldwin, Travis County emergency management coordinator. I would like to briefly introduce a few people at the table and turn it over to them. On my left is chief don smith, esd 4 who has been active in conducting these pipeline awareness classes. Also been active in help setting up many of the classes. Then I would like to introduce mr. Peter espizota of the daniel dawn smallly foundation, he will finish up the remainder of the introductions and the short presentation, thank you.
>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, to my left is mr. Danny smally the founder of the daniel dawn smallly foundation, mr. Donny small llsly, sitting directly in back of me is ms. Candice caperton, and our chief trainer and vice-president of the foundation. With that I would like to have danny present the Commissioners court with the material that we have prepared for you.
>> with your permission I would step forward and give you these dvd's, access tv, in the hopes that they will help save someone's life.
>> appreciate you seeing those. Thank you very much. Is it daniel or danielle.
>> danielle.
>> try to run these on channel 17 once or twice, this is safety --
>> yes.
>> run those as off fern as you wish, judge. And they are done in english and spanish for you. So -- and they are the -- the public awareness program that we present in our regular public awareness meetings, so people paying attention to this should really get some good knowledge and some good safety tips about pipeline safety.
>> good.
>> and why [indiscernible]
>> my daughter was killed in a pipeline explosion almost 8 years ago. And a young man from next door. And I started the foundation in hopes that I could help save someone's life. I have been informed about pipelines and pipeline safety and my daughter would be alive and I wouldn't be here today had I been informed.
>> thanks so much.
>> sorry -- but we will benefit from this training, thank you all very much.
>> thank you.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you. Vo favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> thank you, sir.
>> thank you all, you are doing a good job. Thank you very much.
>> appreciate all of you.
>> you bet.
>> thank you, sir.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:31 AM