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Travis County Commssioners Court
April 6, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 14

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14. Consider and take appropriate action on request to approve fy04 roadway maintenance and rehabilitation plan projects -- and drainage project lists. Joe?
>> good morning, joe gieselman with the transportation natural resources department. First of all I ask that you defer action on this item until next week. I was made aware that we mislocated some of our projects in the wrong precinct, the boundaries were in preredistricting. So I need to correct the tallies and some of the roads are in precinct 3 not in precinct 2. So I need to get those corrected.
>> okay.
>> that's -- that said, this is our action program for this coming paving season. Around as we have in the past -- and as we have in the past, we have selected our projects based on our payment management system which makes recommendation to the type of maintenance to be done on the road, given what it looks like out in the field and what kind of defects it's showing. So in -- in some we are reconstructing, some we are blade and oil, some are surface, but all are driven by what are -- what our technical experts have found in the field with regard to what is needed to the maintenance. Then they are constrained by the budget, approved by the court for each year. So we have used the money that has been appropriated or authorized by the court. We are admission, hot mix overlay and our road and bridge program and put in as many projects that we could afford to do based in priority order. This is the program that you see. And typically we have a -- we have the Commissioners look these projects over, we are always flexible in terms of substituting projects if there are projects in your precincts that absolutely have to be taken care of this year for one reason or another, we are more than happy to substitute out projects if you have those type of -- of -- of constituent needs in your precincts. So -- so we ask that you look this over. Make sure that we have got the right projects for this coming year, but we are ready to go out for contract. We contract out the -- the hot mix overlay and the as-mix, then we do in house some of the reconstruction and all of the surface treatment. As our crews are gearing up now to start this work, typically we will start as soon as the temperatures are -- are 60 degrees and rising, which we are at that point and so we are ready to start work. And we would like to get the court approval on the work program before we start all of the projects.
>> are you saying joe you are going to bring it back -- bring it back for next --
>> I think next week to clean up the -- the precinct boundaries. We mislocated some of our projects in the wrong precinct. Because we were going with -- with preredistricting boundaries and we need to go back and get those corrected. It won't change the total number of miles of roadway, but it just means that certain roadways, if they are in precinct 3, not precinct 2. I need to get that correct.
>> [indiscernible] [inaudible - no mic]
>> but also during this next week, if you would review the program in detail to make sure that -- that if you have substitution projects that -- that for one reason or another you have in your precinct, they need to get done this year, we can go ahead and substitute those out. We won't to make sure that these -- these are recommended on a technical basis. And somehow -- [indiscernible] questions or comments? We need this back on next week?
>> that's correct.
>> really they should contact you to discuss specific projects I guess.
>> please.
>> we leave money in reserve for unexpected developments or -- or is that where the substitutions come in?
>> no. In the past, we have had savings on our hot mix overlay and as-mix because the prices have come in very good. I don't expect that to happen this year because the oil prices are much higher than they have been in the past. Probably we are going to use every dollar that we have doing the projects that are recommended, so I don't expect the savings that we have typically seen in the past. Okay. We'll have it on next week. Thank you very much, joe.
>> thank you.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 6, 2004 9:31 AM