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Travis County Commssioners Court
March 30, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 2

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Number two is to approve resolution honoring teryl cardella on her retirement from the health and human services department after 25 years of service to Travis County. And will miss cardella please come forward? And I see numerous employees from the health and human services department. If they would like to come forward also, have a seat there in the best seat in the place, and that's the one in the middle, get real comfortable. The proclamation reads: whereas teryl cardella -- that's how you pronounce your time -- is retiring from Travis County after 25 years of dedicated service, whereas throughout her distinguished career with Travis County, teryl constantly displayed a positive, cooperative, compassionate and upbeat attitude, whereas teryl has been a gift to Travis County's health and human services department and her hard work, dedication and commitment are well-known and appreciated by the many people whose lives she has whereas by word, deed and steadfast determination she has set an example that inexpires us to use our skills and intellect to make Travis County a better place for all of us, and whereas teryl's colleagues and friends are appropriately honoring teryl's retirement, a joyous milestone, with festivities and sharing fond memories. Now therefore be it resolved that we the members of the Travis County Commissioners court do here by extend special thanks to teryl cardella for her years of dedicated service and extend best wishes to her in her future endeavors. And I move approval.
>> second.
>> good morning.
>> morning.
>> you didn't have many opportunities to come before the court during your 25 years here, did you?
>> no, sir. [ laughter ]
>> you got one today. Take advantage of it.
>> well, i've been with Travis County 26 years, two months. I worked first with the sheriff's department under raymond frank. And one person I have to thank for that is margo frasier, our sheriff, because she was the one that brought me into Travis County and started this whole -- whole trip for me. And I want to thank david, who has been my supervisor for 23 years of my service with health and human services, and arlene, who has been my division manager for six years, five. [ laughter ] sorry. And my colleagues that are around me that have supported me, and we've had our good and bad, as all families will, and we've been a family. We've worked hard to support the citizens of Travis County, and I just wanted to say thank you for honoring me today. It means a whole lot.
>> we hope you can leave those bad memories behind. [ laughter ] so you worked for the sheriff's office a year and two months?
>> yes, sir.
>> well, if you were able to stand health and human services for 25 years, that says a whole lot. [ laughter ]
>> i've seen a lot of changes come through, and some of it I wondered if it was for the better, but it always has turned out to be for the better of the department, the better for Travis County and for the citizens of Travis County. So it's been a long ride, and i've enjoyed it, and now the time has been and I move on to a new phase in my life.
>> have you gotten your 25-year pin yet?
>> no, sir. I'm supposed to get it tomorrow.
>> we'll make sure you do.
>> i'd just like to say that carol mentioned that -- teryl mentioned that we've been like a family. And truly it is. It's like a family member moving away. But we plan to keep in touch with her, and we will truly miss her. She's been a valuable employee and just a wonderful person to work with throughout the years, and we're going to miss her dearly. And we just wish teryl the best. In her future endeavors. And I know that she'll have a wonderful retirement and she deserves it very much. And we're very, very proud of her.
>> i'd like to thank teryl too. She has been a real fantastic employee while i've been here and for a lot longer than that. And if you all would like to join us at her party, it's Wednesday at 1:30 over at health and human services. And we truly plan to celebrate her career with hhs.
>> your last day is?
>> tomorrow, sir.
>> okay. Good to have that party on your last day. [ laughter ] we appreciate your hard work and dedication and service.
>> thank you very much.
>> thank you for your service.
>> thank you.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. [ applause ] and you brought your own picture taker? [ laughter ]

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:27 AM