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Travis County Commssioners Court
March 2, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next and one citizen had signed in. Phillip a. [indiscernible] phyllis a. [indiscernible] if there's anybody else here on citizens communication and you are not signed in, please come forward. This is to give citizens an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to a full three minutes.
>> good morning.
>> good morning.
>> I'm here on a personal level and about my group. And this is a little poster that I have made up. This is a -- this is a newspaper clipping about my son. From the villager. This is my oldest child. And this is our group's name and I have -- I'm fighting for his life and I'm asking for his release. I have talked with -- with -- with mr. Gary johnson's office, I have talked with the -- with the senator barrientos office, I have been in contact with mr. Arthur adams office, and the warden on my son's unit, mr. Warden o riley. He has interviewed with my son and he told me that I have raised a good son and a good boy. And that if it was up to him, he would release my son that, you know, immediately. Mr. Arthur adams have complimented my son and told me how good he's doing and everything but he told me that roosevelt was a good boy and I thanked him and mrs. Janeie cockrell, she called me one day, last year or the year before that, she was telling me she felt as if the state, if it was time for the state to accepted my son home to me and I was so happy, but he haven't made it yet. And I am reaching out to -- to all of the state representatives mr. -- you know, senator barrientos' office and mr. Gary jones' office and everyone to please help me in -- in helping me to get him released. Mr. O riley told me that if he had just a higher power, authority, he would release my son that day. He said because they don't know really to be held, but he said if he had some higher authority, well, then we would be glad to release roosevelt. Now, about my group people. We are -- they are having the same types of problems that my son is having and even more serious problems. Mrs. Nichols son, elesta nichols has been battered, they have beat him. She cry a lot. She's depressed. She don't know who and where to turn. She has gone to the naacp, all of us are trying to work together. But seemed like who we get to a certain point we can't go any further because there's no one to talk to to tell our problems to. The parents and the people that's in the group. We just don't -- seemed like we get to what they call dead end [buzzer sounding] and we can't move any further. We would like to know and find out who else can we turn our complaints to about our inmate loved ones? Where can the parents and the community turn in complaints that can actually be done to help our inmates. We would like to find that out. I do thank you for your time.
>> [multiple voices]
>> will you do this for me? Get in touch with my office, I want to talk to you --
>> ms. Dorothy turner? Who did you say to get in touch with.
>> my office. I didn't I didn't say dorothy turner, my office. See what we can do.
>> okay, I certainly will.
>> we will look into your concerns.
>> okay. Thank you,

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 2, 2004 9:13 AM