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Travis County Commssioners Court
March 2, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 32

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32. Consider and take appropriate action regarding security issues at certain Travis County buildings. What I'm hoping that we can do here is just give staff directions so they can put something together. In the future we can deal with them. There is a series security issue -- serious security issue at the airport building location. That facilities is covering on an interim basis. By transferring interim personnel already in house during certain hours, right. But that was intended to be temporary. [indiscernible]
>> no it's permanent. Determine that this is in fact the appropriate fix? I thought what we were doing just responded to the urgent -- [multiple voices] stopgap.
>> yes, sir.
>> some issues, christian prepared a memo more than a year ago. That I can circulate to the court after today. I think that he indicates some other departments that through the budget process attempted to surface various security issues, so we may as well drag that out and look at it after today. But right chick, listen to -- right quick, listen to -- roger?
>> judge, I'm kind of reading ahead quick. Seems like security items are things that are appropriately done in executive session and I think this list from reading it is something that might appropriately be better discussed there than in a public session. That's just me. Kind of going uh, I don't really want to talk about some of these things out here. So that people know exactly what we do. What we do have. [multiple voices] I mean --
>> do we think all of this is executive session appropriate?
>> [inaudible - no mic] security. I do not know what is intended to be presented -- by the people who are at the table, so I can't say for sure that everything that they intend to say is going to be appropriate. But to the extent that it deals with security issues and measures that can properly go into executive session.
>> [indiscernible]
>> I would suggest that we cover's much of this as possible in executive session.
>> I would feel much better.
>> we will have several county attorneys look at her, so if we -- if we get out of bound they'll tell us.
>> no doubt.
>> thank you for coming to the table. Now we'll ask you to leave. [laughter] stand by, though. We will return from executive session very, very soon. Item no. 32. Go into executive session and discuss as much as we can.
>> maybe we wanted to tell everybody that every county employee was getting an uzi.
>> well, the state legislature changed the -- the rules related to guns on county property so that actually could very well happen. [laughter]

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 2, 2004 9:13 AM