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Travis County Commssioners Court
March 2, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 21

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21. Approve interjurisdictional mutual aid agreements between Travis County and certain incorporated cities within the county, and between Travis County and the other nine counties in the capital area planning council region.
>> good afternoon, this is danny hobby, I'm the emergency services coordinator. And alongside of me to my right is pete ldwin the merge management coordinator. -- emergency management coordinator. We are here today to ask you to consider and we request and recommend that the Commissioners court approve two interjurisdictional mutual aid agreements between Travis County and our small cities as well as between Travis County and our adjoining counties. And the counties that are in the capital area planning council region. This request is actually coming from the capital area planning council. They have been working this past year in developing these two mutual aid agreements and they are part of the homeland security planning process. And so these are a result of making sure that we have in place a proper procedures and guidelines so that in an event that is a serious event that might take place within our region, that we don't have to worry and argue about who is going to do what it's in place, and the resources are in place. What you have as part of your backup are the two agreements. The first agreement is attachment a. And it has to do -- it is an agreement between Travis County and all of our 17 incorporated cities within county. The second agreement, attachment b is between Travis County and the other nine counties in the capco region. Pete has served on a subcommittee that put together these agreements and what you will see is a result of not only the subcommittee but they also use a law firm, they also went and received item plats from other -- templates from other areas to assist them in the development of these agreements and so today I am here to answer any questions that you might have in regards to these agreements and allow pete to respond as well. So that you have a full understanding of what it is that we are doing. But we do request that you go ahead and approve these for capco would like for us to respond quickly and get the other small cities and the other counties to sign their agreements. We know that there's other counties that have already -- that are already in the process of signing their agreements. So they are ready for everyone in the region to move forward with this. This is important, also, for -- for maintaining and securing our eligibility for funding. So that's also important to note today, too.
>> homeland security funding grants [indiscernible] big deal. The other thing is unfortunately when you got a lot of other government tee entities together, especially from fema, prove to be rather inflectionible. Some of this stuff -- in is one of those agreements that th are asking us to approve and send back rather than have each governmental entity try to taylor it. Tailor it to its needs. So I agree with that. The other thing is that we need a cover letter going to the city that says basically this is being worked on by a whole lot of personnel from different entities. It is not a perfect document but it is the best one that all of the entities could come up with. Please do not change it, if you -- do you have people to call or somebody at capco. We also capco would like to get these back by mid March. We can ask them to try to get them back to us by then or as soon as possible --
>> we already have a draft letter prepared with your signature to go to the small cities. It's actually a template. You also capco is going to help us in regards to the counties in getting those signatures, we are ready to go as soon as you give us the approval today.
>> questions or comments?
>> no.
>> move approval. Any more discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote thank you all very much. We appreciate it.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 2, 2004 9:13 AM