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Travis County Commssioners Court
March 2, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 20

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20. Consider and take appropriate action on options for proceeding with the physical plant analysis of the jail operations study.
>> I'm sorry, I -- I need to get a question answered. 9 a and b next week. Then 18 is also next week? Or he we go good to do -- regional summit?
>> yeah, 18 is next week, too.
>> got it, thank you, sorry.
>> actually 18 maybe other language, we word it maybe something else. We will -- we will call up the building security item after this one.
>> okay.
>> but number 20 is the one before us now. Good afternoon.
>> good afternoon.
>> thanks for your patience.
>> well, as per the discussion on options for proceeding with the physical plan assessment of the jail operation study. We were asked to get some additional information from the consultant on their proposal for doing both an observation level and an inspection level assistance. I wanted to go over with you right now to start off. In your backup, you have a cover memo that kind of lays out an overview of a lot of to go over this briefly with you. The first of all the differences with the work involved with the observation inspection level assessment, the owner vacation is -- level is more cursory analysis of the facilities and their condition. And it -- it will result in a general description of the facilities and the systems, including the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural and security systems. They also do a general disripg of the condition -- description of the condition of buildings, building use versus design intent. Circulation patterns for the building and general description of compliance with jail standard. The inspection level assessment is more thorough and more detailed assessment and in each of those areas of architecture, structural, mechanical, plumbing and security, there is a more detailed detailed analysis of the current condition, code compliance assessment, evaluation of maintenance proceedings and then concludes and -- conclusions and recommendations. The staff resources that are needed for either one, with the observation level, they are basically two correctional architects, one functioning as project manager and another correctional architect on board to do the work. Because ofhe smaller scope of work. For the inspection level you have expert engineers in each of those areas, architecture, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical and security. You have more expert staff devoted to those. It's going to take about the same amount of time to complete both. The reason being is with the observation level you have fewer staff, to make a round to quite a number of facilities they need to. And what this is going to do to the time line, three weeks to complete the work, we were scheduled to actually complete that work as of last week, the date that we are looking at starting this would be two weeks from now. So we are looking at a total of a six-week extension to the project if we get started in the next couple of weeks on either one of these. And another thing that I need to let you know about, we have just received some information this morning from the consultant on the observation level cost amount. The amount that you have in front of you is $15 now, 440. There was -- 15,440. There was a miscommunication between the contract tornado consultant. That did not include travel costs, the consultant did want to include $2,000 for the travel cost, which would be the total to 17,440. For observation level. The inspection level assessment, the proposed amount, from the contractor, is a total of 42,100, that includes 37,100 for work, plus $5,000 maximum for travel. Now this represents a discounted rate and just wanted you to note what the differences were that the consultant provided. They provided their actual rate based on the hourly rates for the expert staff that they are using for this and the actual rate, if you take the travel plus the hourly rates would add up to 59,765. What they are proposing is 42,100 as a discounted rate to us. A couple of things that I did want to note with you. What's -- with looking at both of those options, the observation level assessment was it is one that was originally included in the scope of work under the general operations study. It was assumed that was going to suffice for the analysis that was required. The -- one of the things that has changed is that that was assuming that -- that the facilities engineer out at tcso was going to be overseeing that effort and providing some institutional knowledge for that. Obviously that's not available anymore. Although there are some tco facilities staff still out there. The other thing with the inspection level, it provides a more thorough, more complete picture of the facility conditions and would provide more information that would be used as a benchmark for doing the other parts of the analysis under the physical plant assessment and would also provide more information available for none taking over jail facilities. Regardless of which option is taken, the chances are, this is just my understanding is that whoever would take over those jail facilities would probably want to do their own assessment of the facilities because it would be basically their expertise and reputation at stake for the analysis. So they would want to both validate and do their own work on that, regardless of which one was done. The -- the facilities management director has agreed to provide internal oversight of the consultant for whichever route we take. The observation or inspection level. And work with the physical plant assessment team to oversee and work with them on their work. I also want to note that the sheriff's office does have sufficient salary savings for the study, what we are looking for today is just? Direction on which option is going to be most feasible, most acceptable and then we also have some other documentation for the draft contract amendment. So if there is an option that's decided on, we have the contract amendments that are almost ready to go. There are a few pieces that need to be finalized. Then we would also look for authorization to do an automatic budget transfer from tcso salary savings to cjp line item to cover the cost of the approved work proposal.
>> my recommendation would be at this time that we do the observation law study. I think that in the end I'm hopeful that we are going to be able to work out a plan for the future as far as management of jail facilities, which will be in conjunction with the facilities management and I think quite frankly we would wind up repeating or at least the person who came in would want to affirm the previous study before they took over. So I think for the level of what we are doing right now, that the observation level is sufficient and -- and that would be my suggestion.
>> any response, mr. Trimble?
>> I think that for what's required for this project, excuse me, what's required for this project, I think either option would suffice, obviously with the inspection level you get a little more work, you get a little more thorough assessment that also costs more. With the observation level, it's not as thorough, but would that suffice for this project, chances are, yes, we can make it work. And get to a good place with doing the other components of the physical plant assessment.
>> mr. Roger el khoury.
>> good afternoon, roger el khoury for facilities management. I really support the sheriff and her observation for this facility because if you do an inspection any way, take over the facility, they are going to do an inspection anyway from -- all over again. So for this level of a -- of information I believe the observation will do.
>> move that we follow the recommendation and authorize the option 1 observation level assessment in the amount of $15,000.440 plus up to $2,000 for travel.
>> 15,440, plus up to 2,000 for travel.
>> yes, sir.
>> that we now as to the contract, you have that -- is that in the backup here?
>> yes, I believe that you just got handed a copy of a draft amendment.
>> the least thick one.
>> the smaller one.
>> yes.
>> and that does have the revised amounts that were given by the consultant today.
>> the only thing that's missing from that, judge, is the revised time line that I think mike is still waiting for the final --
>> yeah, we are waiting on some of the details to be worked out in the time line but we should have that by the end of the day today.
>> who assigned this for the court -- who signed it, does the whole court sign this or the county judge?
>> county judge. I think there -- the plan was to attach one of purchasing's cover sheets to the front of it, therefore I didn't put a signature line --
>> can we -- move to authorize the county judge to sign on behalf of the Commissionerers court, is that friendly.
>> also friendly related to the budget transfer taking kind advantage of the dollars being offered by the --
>> I would anticipate an appropriate budget amendment next week. Transfer the money from dollar savings into -- are you --
>> money man.
>> criminal justice planning, right.
>> would it be automatic if.
>> we can process it if you include the motion as an automatic.
>> okay.
>> and the motion includes transfer of the appropriate amount of money from the sheriff's salary savings line item into criminal justice plan.
>> I believe it's $17,650. Is that correct.
>> 17,440.
>> 450.
>> don't try to take any extra money [laughter]
>> anybody else want to --
>> can I ask a question? Roger, let me make sure that I understood what you just said. I mean because on this -- on a few considerations regarding the options, that third to the last, regardless of whether an other vacation or inspection level assessment is done, any professional engineer taking over jail facilities management will most likely not rely entirely on the assessment of planning budget issues, but will want to do his or her own assessment to verify the results. That -- that -- because that what you just said. You're okay with this.
>> I'm okay with that.
>> okay. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Note Commissioner Davis had another commitment and -- before we started this item. Okay.
>> bless you.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 2, 2004 9:13 AM