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Travis County Commssioners Court
January 27, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 9

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9. Consider and take appropriate action on interlocal agreement with the city of Austin for cost sharing and construction of water system improvements on plover place road. Joe?
>> yes. Joe gieselman with transportation and natural resources department.
>> good morning, joe.
>> along with belinda amalia. Commissioner Gomez has been successful with the state in securing funds to provide water to the residents, several residents along plover place with this interlocal -- what this interlocal agreement will allow us to do is contract with the city to extend their organized water system to these residents. And that would be the preferred supplier of water in this area. And I know Commissioner Gomez had been working very closely with the city to make sure that this happens. In my backup memo, I did express some other conditions I thought would be necessary for -- for the health and human safety of the -- of the area. One being the -- the sewage treatment. Travis County is also the regulator of onsite sewage and as well as the floodplain regulation and this area straddles the floodplain of maja creek. I do want to make sure that in the process of providing organized water to these residents that we don't create a situation where they may be in violation of state law in county -- and county regulations. So we discussed the need for a subsequent grant that will help provide onsite sewage for these households. In the event that that grant is not available, I still believe that we should make it a requirement that these residents have -- have an approved septic system. Some of the them do. Or at least we believe they do. Others do not. And my fear was that we would have a situation where they have water and they will start to use the water, but with no place for the end flow to go. That's not a good situation. So I'm saying let's try our best to get grants to install septic systems, but even if that is successful, we should at least require the residents to have septic systems installed on their own -- on their own accord. The other issue is the floodplain. One residents is in the -- one residence is in the floodplain, we believe the others could probably get development permits under our floodplain regulations, but we also want to make sure that they go through the normal process of getting those development permits. And that is what I handed out to you is -- at least an understanding that as we go forward, to provide water to these residents, that we also take care of the other -- other parts of our business, which is onsite sewage and floodplain regulation.
>> is this going to be embedded into whatever it is that we are signing? How do we make what you want to have happen here be part of the permanent school record so it actually happens.
>> I think one main purpose -- I am somewhat the enforcer of the regulations. They are already adopted so I don't think you want to do -- you need to do anything at this point. I just want to make you aware this is the approach that we are going to be taking. I'm trying to work with the intent of the grant to provide these people water and wastewater. But on the other side I also need to wear my other hat, which is the regulator, saying you will not be able to violate our state laws and county ordinances. So I just -- all this is is is a notice to the court that this is how we will proceed on the regulatory side of the house.
>> and joe and I met and I'm in agreement and we do have a base from which to work. And that was -- that was the homes that we surveyed that were in the original survey. And so -- so the water, as he has indicated, has been approved. But now we need to move to the next step to get them this com mines with the -- with the septic tanks and the floodplain ordinance. I will work as diligently as I can, with melinda's help as well. We have worked very well together in the past. I don't see why that will change to try to get the -- the $250,000 grant for the septic tanks. At some point I think we are going to probably need to come back and talk about our match, but I think with t.n.r.'s help we can either do that in kind or you know other otherwise. [indiscernible] small amount.
>> have we notified the residents of these regulations.
>> we are in the process of doing that, or my staff has -- will continue to be out there in communication with them as we did with the water.
>> what's staff's recommendation today?
>> that we proceed, I believe that we will be notified -- some may have problems, others may because of the financial situation may have problems meeting these.
>> okay. Now, in terms of the floodplain, there are fema requirements that we are duty-bound to follow.
>> right.
>> so there's a lot less flexibility on those. On septic systems I assume if there's a public health hazard because one does not function properly, there's a greater burden to -- to comply with the law or help.
>> uh-huh.
>> so we -- we just need to know that I guess as we proceed.
>> the greater concern to me is the sewage. I think -- from what I can see of the existing structures, only one creates a problem for the floodplain permitting. I think the larger concern for me is to make sure that there's adequate -- for -- sewage treatment for all of the [indiscernible] of the grant.
>> do we still have that program in health and human services related to septic? In terms of assistance?
>> I had wondered about that and I guess we need to check into that as well.
>> you might check in with stephen williams, especially if this is an economically challenged area, they may meet the guidelines for assistance. I know in the past we approved contracts in terms of east side west side in terms of who handles those. That doesn't say that there's not a backlog but you may want to check in with stephen and see about hhs assistance.
>> right.
>> motion?
>> I move approval of the recommendation that t.n.r. -- to move forward to go for the grant and then to also notify the -- the residents at plover place about our plans.
>> second.
>> so this is one where we have not file add grant application yet?
>> oh, no. We have already -- we have received the grant.
>> that's what I thought.
>> the grant has been awarded. This is an interlocal with the city of Austin to actually implement the system.
>> this is for the construction of the water system basically.
>> water line.
>> for the city.
>> for the city.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you, joe.
>> thanks.

Last Modified: TUesday, January 28, 2004 6:44 AM