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Travis County Commssioners Court
January 20, 2004

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 22

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22 is to discuss and give -- discuss and approve a plat for recording in precinct 3, exa presslar subdivision (short form plat - 7 lots - 18.441 acres - fm 1626 - no fiscal required - sewage service provided by on-site septic systems - city of Austin etj. It was the reference to the cemetery site I guess that caught my attention more than anything else, joe. How will it be dealt with?
>> the cemetery site is not part of the subdivision, by law they are required to provide whatever access that's not land locked. So they are not touching the cemetery with the subdivision of the property. It's not internal to the subdivision. Why was reference made to it?
>> there is a cemetery site on the commercial lot, this plat consists of six single family lots and one commercial lot. That is from your office. Is your explanation still, is it still --
>> yes. Would you like to --
>> represent the applicant?
>> we -- we had a long and -- what I consider to be unpleasant experience with another access with a cemetery near a county road, so we have a little bit of recent experience dealing with cemetery-related matters.
>> actually, part of the cemetery is presently inside your right-of-way on ben johnson lane there. It's -- it's there. And what -- so what we all agreed upon between the city and county and the client was that the -- that the boundaries of the plat now go around the remainder of the cemetery and don't include it. So it's a remainder of the tract, in essence, but it has access to a county road because it's right there at the edge. The right-of-way that we are giving to the county the way the plat is drown, you are not getting additional right-of-way over the top of the cemetery, it goes around it. In actuality I think you said that the statement that you have said that the commercial lot has a cemetery on it. The commercial lot doesn't have a cemetery on it. The commercial lot there's a little chunk taken out that it's left off the plat, outside of the boundaries of the plat, it's just going to hold its own sitting there. So there's no more additional right-of-way being granted to the county on that cemetery, and it's not being platted as part of the subdivision. It's being left at its own little entity separately there. That's the best way to handle it, being left alone.
>> we carved it out basically.
>> yes, sir.
>> it was on the commercial lot but it's not now.
>> correct. We originally thought that we would put like an easement around it, make it where nobody touches it, does anything with the easement. It was decided through communications with the city and county staff, it was better to just go around it and don't touch it, period. Don't even have it part of the subdivision, so that's how it's set up in the plat now.
>> this is the county road that we use.
>> I will have to look into that.
>> okay.
>> so staff's recommendation is to approve the --
>> as far as -- yes.
>> okay. Any other questions? Move approval of 22.
>> thank you.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much.
>> thank you, sir.

Last Modified: TUesday, January 21, 2004 8:25 AM