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Travis County Commssioners Court
November 4, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item A3

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A 3, rather. A3. Discuss, approve or take any appropriate action regarding Travis County interest or no interest in the extension of brenham/blake manor from wild horse creek section 3 subdivision to and/or into Travis County, manor community center and clinic.
>> if you will briefly go through this, real briefly, because we are operating on a time line, I understand that. The city. But -- manor -- review and planning department need to see whatever we do here today so they can move forward with this particular action or -- needs to be taken on this item. So we can briefly, real brief like.
>> okay. The -- again, the wild horse creek section subdivision, the -- you have a plat to be approved by the city of manor, they have a deadline to be at November 6. This -- the ordinance of city of manor said that the neighborhood has a right for extension of a -- of blake manor road and they need a waiver from the owner, which is us, to say that we would have no interest in extending the blake manor -- blake manor road to our property. And so this way they can take it back to their reviewer at the city of manor and get that plat final and approved.
>> you know, judge, with that, I would hike to just go ahead and move that Travis County -- like to just go ahead and move that Travis County take no interest in the extension of brenham, blake manor road from wild horse creek section 3 subdivision to and/or to the Travis County -- subdivision to and/or into Travis County, manor community center and clinic. Also authorize the facilities under roger el khoury who sign the proper documentation to -- to take this forward to the city of manor review and planning folks by -- before November 6th of this month so they can go ahead and move forward with this project. From my understanding the developer within this area has no objections to what we are doing here today; is that correct.
>> they are in total agreement with us on this.
>> so it's a win-win and i'll -- and i'll -- [indiscernible] those folks that I mentioned above. So I would like to make that particular motion.
>> health and human services?
>> I'm sorry?
>> did you [indiscernible] with health and human services?
>> yes. I talked to jerry, the manager from the manor clinic and community center and we sent a medical to to stephen william. Jerry says no access --
>> this road is behind the clinic, south of it.
>> yes.
>> been there for decade, never had any interest in it.
>> but he wants to keep his existing access, right?
>> this is on -- [multiple voices]
>> the important thing to understand, basically the -- they are realigning our access, so it's gng to be a different way in and out of this facility and they understand that and that's not going to cause anybody problems.
>> see, I'm not understanding that from this map at all. I'm going bren nam blake manor, that's in the middle, I thought our access was off of perry manor; is that correct.
>> it is. They are basically going to build a new kerri manor.
>> exactly.
>> there's going to be a new kerry manor inside the subdivision, an old kerry manor which we will still use to take our access, at some point those two will -- will split off and join.
>> can we reserve the right to finally approve the impact on kerry manor that gives us access to the center.
>> I think we can talk to the [multiple voices]
>> yes,, I think that's very friendly.
>> [multiple voices]
>> I think we ought to condition that upon our seeing the final design and basically approving it.
>> right.
>> that's fine.
>> second the motion with that.
>> okay. With that friendly exception, yes, very well accepted.
>> I'm not understanding any of this, but I'm not understanding any of this because this plat map does not give clairety to anything and if I'm confused I don't want the record to be confused. Kerry manor is shown here on this plat as going into a subdivision and not going to where allegedly it looks like our community center is. So where exactly is the access going to happen? Because wave front of our building -- we have a front of our building that goes off of kerry manor, is that road not going to extend to our community center any longer.
>> well, I would describe it on the plat map when you see is a new kerry manor.
>> thank you zoo just to the north of that where it says Texas and new orleans --
>> railroad right-of-way.
>> somewhere within that right-of-way is the existing kerry manor. That will stay in place.
>> all righty.
>> it will be existing kerry manor people will use to get into the community center. At some point the new one and the old that's there today will become one. Basically it will be some sort of y type of intersection.
>> that was my understanding, also.
>> then in terms of us trying to relate it to the extension of brenham blake manor, that's in the middle section there, is that roadway still going to occur within the subdivision? The question is whether it gets punched through to a stub out into a community center, is that the question here?
>> yeah, that's correct. That's correct. This is a line right here. The blake manor going through all of the property here. So we don't want it to go to our property.
>> exactly.
>> that's --
>> it would dead end into -- [multiple voices]
>> athens, right.
>> I'm making sure that I understand because it's as clear as mud.
>> our access, we have final approval authority. That's the condition, right?
>> that's right.
>> yes.
>> in terms of this is completely and wholly located within the city of manor and therefore there aren't any things related to our road system, or not, joe was kind of like giving me this kind of thing. Can you clarify your next? Movement -- your neck movement?
>> joe gieselman, transportation natural resources.
>> turn the volume up, mr. Gieselman, joe.
>> thank you.
>> media.
>> initially I thought this was an issue of the arterial network. I'm looking at it more as now access to the clinic. Will you continue to have legal sufficient access to the clinic after this plat is approved? That's the question. I don't see on the plat other than the railroad access. If that's where the existing road is, do you have legal access to your clinic after the plat is approved?
>> it's not --
>> my [indiscernible] doesn't cover that? My condition doesn't cover that? My condition was you don't adversely impact the access that we have right now, no problem. But we have final signoff anyway. We look at adversely impacting our access to the clinic, basically, we have got final veto power. That's what I think our consent ought to be based on.
>> right.
>> well, this does not seem to be showing what you just said there, judge, because the way this thing is realigning kerry manor, it looks like lot number 1 on this thing, which is actually on abernathy --
>> if I had to figure out this map the condition would not be necessary. The purpose of the condition is for us to have the same access after they build whatever roads they need that we have right now.
>> that's correct.
>> it would -- if we get real lucky, we will have the same access with a new road.
>> right.
>> what if we could have improved our access as a result of this plat, what if the access we have right now isn't quite there.
>> nobody has ever complained about it joe. We don't have a legal right to have our road, we need to discuss this in executive session, don't we? [laughter] [multiple voices]
>> decades. Even I have used it for decades. [laughter]
>> I was making sure there isn't some kind of opportunity here or even -- I can't tell. I'm sorry, I'm trying to read this little plat thing of what is this thing in between, if you look at the extension of brenham, blake manor, there a little skinny thing, 20 feet.
>> pedestrian --
>> people in the subdivision get to the park.
>> which is cutting through our community center property to get to the property on the other side. Correct?
>> [multiple voices]
>> basically says they are going to be going to the back of the clinic in terms of their access which is where things like the ambulances that come pick up anybody they are all taking access off the back exit off of that clinic. I'm just wondering --
>> not really, though. On the east side there's a the medical park on the east side there's an exit there. If in the back you walk out in there there's not any driveway, it's a park, hike and bike trail, restrooms, et cetera. I couldn't understand the map there. But I'm visualizing --
>> thank you.
>> why don't we try to draft appropriate wording that we think protects us, if you all can, let us review that after we get out of executive session today.
>> okay.
>> that would work.
>> and I think -- the map does not lebd to really understanding -- lend to really understanding what's going on. I'm sort of relying on my recollection of how this structure is set out there, the a&m agricultural property, really the lone road that goes down to the clinic is really the only structure on it, we are at the end of it. I thought this was the road blake manor really extend across 973, it would be south of our property.
>> exactly.
>> i'll tell you the way this thing looks in terms of them replatting a new kerry manor street it looks like they will need a lot of right-of-way from us on our property in order for this extension to somehow go -- plus is that the best thing to do a y intersection? Y intersections don't really work very well --
>> the other stipulation should be we don't give up any property because by law we are prohibited from doing it. I don't know that this map is real clear on that. The biggest problem is they need this done by November 6th. Whose deadline is that?
>> the city of manor.
>> so we want to try to assist as much as we can. If we don't understand this, it ain't our fault. If nobody is here today, it ain't our fault, either. We need to get somebody down here in the next 45 minutes.
>> I can call [multiple voices]
>> fine with me. [multiple voices]
>> is that okay?
>> drafted the language --
>> it would accommodate basically what we were trying to do there. If it had to be clarified in addition to --
>> tell him we don't understand, if he can get down here at 3:15 we can help him today, otherwise he's in jeopardy of not being able to assist.
>> we are trying to do the right thing but also protect the county's interest. I don't want us glossing over a plat and we have problems. A 3 we will call back up after executive session today. Hopefully be prepared at that time to take final action.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 5, 2003 9:52 AM