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Travis County Commssioners Court
November 4, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 37

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Item no. 37, we will need facilities and lisa perez for -- alicia perez for that one. 37. Consider and give direction to affected parties, especially sawyer vending services, on schedule for renovation of the first floor of the historic county courthouse. If somebody from my office would contact alicia perez and roger el khoury. Joe, if you are in the adjacent room, we will take up item no. A 2 and a 3. The Commissioners court will stand in recess for about two or three minutes. >.
>> now if we could call back to order the working part of the voting session of the Travis County Commissioners court. We have announced item no. 37, consider and give direction to affected parties, especially sawyer vending services, on schedule for renovation of the first floor of the historic county courthouse.
>> yes, sir. Alicia perez, executive manager for administrative operations. A couple of months ago, I believe, the court directed us to conduct a survey concerning the cafeteria that is now functioning at the first floor of the old courthouse. And we did that. We got the response back, we sent out about 343 plus, I believe, questionnaires and we got about 148. So about 50%, mas y manos responses. People said they would like to keep the cafeteria for the most part. People do use that facility, a lot of it is takeout, but there was again, this is of employees, there was a desire to aeep the facility in the building. As a result of that, we have -- we have -- our facilities management has taken another look at the configuration of the first floor of the courthouse. And we believe that there may be a better configuration than there is now. Right now, the cafeteria is almost like in the middle south I think it is, south central of -- of the first floor of the courthouse. We would like to move it to a corner of the courthouse so that it won't take as much space and it would leave us available space to be able to maximize the -- the space for other functions in the courthouse.
>> the recommendation really is to move the snack bar.
>> canteen, snack bar.
>> closer to the window and try to use for other county purposes the other space on the first floor.
>> yes, we just -- that configuration, I think, will allow us to maximize the space in the first floor.
>> judge, I wanted to have a little bit of extra time, another week is all that I'm asking is that I'm thoroughly into maps and looking at layout.
>> sure.
>> my concern is if we are indeed changing where the security section was, I wanted to make sure we weren't having some things that we didn't quite work through related to interference with the security section of people coming in and out and that happening. Because we have issues right now with our j.p. And constable being on the wrong side of where the security is and it creates a lot of issues, so I would just simply like to have the courtesy of seeing the new layout to be able to walk and talk that through. And the other question that I would have is are we talking about replicating what we have now? Related to full service, related to cooking when there are other ways that perhaps will get to some of the -- some of the issues that I thought were clearly raised in the -- in the survey that talked about the quality and the kind of food. Having just flown in and out of multiple airports over the last couple of days, there are multiple ways that you can handle taking care of work related to food and beverage services that don't necessarily mean that there is a kitchen on hand but you can still figure out ways to -- to carry your public. I would just like to talk and explore some other things before we say we're going to replicate the same thing that we have right now and it absolutely does not take care of the very legitimate comments that we got under comments about what people think about what we have got right there right now.
>> we are not asking about price, though.
>> we did not ask about price.
>> you compare this food to airport food, you may be talking about a little bit better quality, but you are talking about double the price. Let's give Commissioner Sonleitner [multiple voices]
>> maybe you all can chat about it between now and then, that would be fine.
>> judge, I mean, would we have any reason to day, I mean, I don't think it's sawyer or is it? [indiscernible], would we gain something but letting -- do you anything to say that might spawn some thought process for us, in this week thought process that maybe Commissioner Sonleitner posed the two questions she wants --
>> come up --
>> come up to the microphone.
>> come on up to the mic.
>> for the benefit of Commissioner Sonleitner -- [multiple voices]
>> oh, that's fine with me. I mean --
>> 95% of my questions -- [multiple voices]
>> I did ask him if he knew about the recommendation, he was agreeable, he said yes. Why don't we have you let meet with alicia, Commissioner Sonleitner [multiple voices] good for me,.
>> wherever you all take it is fine with me. If you want to raise the prices, though, I think that you need another survey. In my view it's a matter of convenience and what mr. Sawyer or rick told me is he loses the old historic courthouse, we also lose this building and -- and we reckon an hour and a half for lunch, I go to lunch 30 minutes, I work the other hour. I can't go out and get back in an hour. I'm normally on the cheap. You know? But -- but go with our blessings and meet and discuss this. You know alicia perez and roger, this is Commissioner Sonleitner. She'll join y'all. And Commissioner Daugherty.
>> 95% of my questions are layout. Architectural kinds of things of just understanding the floor plan. Not trying to --
>> we will be back next Wednesday, so time is of the essence. All right?
>> we will get together.
>> now, thank you, roger.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 5, 2003 9:52 AM