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Travis County Commssioners Court
November 4, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 5

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5. Approve resolution recognizing November 11, 2003 as "veterans day" in Travis County. And stephen the proclamation reads: whereas the citizens of Travis County have throughout the history of our great nation been in the forefront of those who have made sacrifices for the freedoms we all enjoy; whereas those residents who have served in the united states armed services have great honor and distinction to Travis County through their service; whereas we take this special opportunity to honor our korean war veterans for their services and sacrifices when over 50 years ago the korean war marked the first time in history that the united states as part of the united nations sent armed forces into combat to stop aggression. Whereas many of our residents have made the ultimate sacrifice in that they have given their lives in defense of our country in order to uphold our democratic principles and preserve our way of life; whereas it is appropriate that the patriotic and unselfish service of those veterans be recognized and commemorated. Therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court by the Travis County Commissioners court that all citizens and residents of Travis County are urged to observe November 11, 2003 as veterans day with appropriate programs and activities focussing on the achievements of those who have served this great nation and showing appreciation for their service and I move approval.
>> second.
>> good morning.
>> good morning. Of course, all of you by now would have received your invitations to the celebration which occurs at the capital on November 11th and certainly the parade. But [indiscernible] veterans services officer has a list of other activities that we are involved in to help commemorate veterans day.
>> good morning.
>> good morning.
>> the proclamation says it all in respect to the korean war veterans. It's 50 years for -- before the end of the korean war, we are going to be honoring those korean veterans who participated in the parade. We will try to present them with a certificate for the korean war medal at the same time. In the past i've always told you that there's, you know, 62,000 veterans residing in Travis County. Just recently the Texas veterans commission has just recorded one billion dollars of revenue that was received for the state of Texas. One billion dollars. Within Travis County, we take credit for $127 million of that. So that's -- that says a lot for what these veterans are actually receiving through their compensation, their pain and suffering. I have a list of activities that are ongoing throughout the week. A couple of them you may be interested in concerning the graduation ceremony for the Austin independent school district, where they will be honoring graduates who -- who during the time of service, they were -- they dropped out of school to enlist into the service and during world war I they never received the high school diploma. So that ceremony is going to take place, also, this coming week. I have a list of those activities, I would like to give you the -- that list and also at the same time I would like to give you a copy of our brochure to show you what we are actually all about at the Travis County vet ran's service office. I will see you the 6th with that -- with the town hall meeting. Commissioner Davis.
>> yes.
>> looking forward to doing that with you.
>> yes, I really am encouraged by that. Of course, looking forward to getting with y'all to recognize and address the veterans that have brought some things to our attention, I'm glad that you all will be there to accommodate me as we look forward to that date coming up. I appreciate your input and interest, continued interest in this, so thank you.
>> thank you.
>> that's all that I have.
>> you will give that list to us?
>> yes.
>> could I post that a quorum of the -- may be present next Monday.
>> I plan to be there.
>> yeah. I know I'm there -- [multiple voices]
>> there's something going on at plaza saltillo as well Tuesday afternoon from 9:00 to 4:00.
>> a ceremony at 1:00 [multiple voices]
>> there may be three of us there. It would be good to post -- [multiple voices]
>> I will get back with you to post all of them.
>> okay.
>> everybody in Travis County, let's honor and recognize our veterans. By the way my father was a korean war veteran.
>> as mine.
>> we lost him in 1965.
>> uh-huh.
>> well, I would like to extend an invitation to make application for that korean service war medal if we can obtain his 214.
>> family in tyler, Texas, that's where --
>> all right, sir.
>> if the lord is willing.
>> yeah.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We appreciate your continuing aggressive activity in behalf of the veterans of our county, mr. Pope.
>> all right, sir.
>> people lectured me on your first name. [multiple voices]
>> I started calling you ollie because stephen was.
>> just blame it on stephen.
>> thank you very much. [laughter]
>> you may want to put this on your wall down there, signed by the entire Commissioners court.
>> thank you.
>> thank you, see you there.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 4, 2003 9:52 AM