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Travis County Commssioners Court
September 23, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 2

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2. Introduction of michael trimble, the criminal justice coordinator. The newly hired criminal justice coordinator, but he has almost a full week under his belt.
>> and he's a returning Travis County employee.
>> I put michael at center stage today, which as all of you know is hard for me to do. [laughter] but it is my pleasure to introduce mike trimble, michael trimble to Travis County. And I'm especially pleased because, as you know, we've had the vacancy there since it was created and the reorg was done. So this is important, I think, that we be here today briefly to present mike to staff, the court is well aware of michael trimble. But also to the public that we now have the places filled, based upon a reorganization with the justice and public safety division and so we are just real pleased to have mike with us. Mike will be the department head of criminal justice planning as well as the coordinator for the counseling and education services department and the juvenile public defender's office. And so a lot of you have already met folks that he knew when he was here back in 1996 and so he is pam with Travis County. -- so he is familiar with Travis County. But there are a lot of folks out there that do not know mike yet, so we wanted to come this morning and introduce him to everyone and again we're very pleased to have him with us. I will let him say a few remarks.
>> well, thank you, danny. By the way danny has been great in helping me get up to speed in my first week, I really appreciate that. I want to say how great it is to be here, I would like to thank the Commissioners court for the opportunity to rejoin the county. It's great to be back, I'm really going to enjoy working with criminal justice planning again. I'm looking forward to the great work and working with the great staff there as well as the other county-elected officials and county departments in getting great things done, looking forward to it.
>> welcome.
>> thank you.
>> we look forward to working with you.
>> likewise.
>> can you settle -- do want to go by michael or mike.
>> now would be a good time to get this settled.
>> mike, please.
>> you got it, thanks.
>> but you will answer to both?
>> absolutely.
>> if you are in trouble it's michael [laughter]
>> just like my mom does.
>> right. [laughter]

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:09 AM