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Travis County Commssioners Court
September 16, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next and one citizen has signed in. Chester paul. Good morning.
>> good morning, judge and Commissioners. Ladies and gentlemen. My name is khet hall. I'm a resident of Travis County and I live on gattis school road. I'm sure you folks have heard quite a bit about gattis school road recently. I'm not here to take up a lot of your time. I recognition you are busy and I respect the use of time. So i'll skip all the minor details that are involved in this and i'll summarize how I see the situation as the gattis school road. My house is the first house that was built in Travis County on the section of gattis school road that is in question. And we built there primarily because it was a single entrance and egress community, which would mean there's no through traffic, quiet and the chances of violence and -- would be minimal. And our -- my concern when I bought there was whether or not gattis school road was ever going to be extended to state highway 685. So the builder and the developer, mr. Timerman, assured me that that was never going to happen. Now, this was reinforced by the other people that built on gattis school road. They also went to timmerman and got reassurance that gattis school road was not going to go to 685. And when the last street was put into the development in our subdivision, timmerman put a cul-de-sac at the end of gattis school road. And of course when he did that, we all felt like our problems were over. Gattis school road now goes to 685. And if you -- in my opinion, the route between where it connects with 685 and where it connects to the gattis school road going east and west, it looks like a cow path. They paved a cow path. That road is 7/10 of a mile long and it has nine turns in it. Any engineer that thinks that is conducive to a major thoroughfare ought to have his brain examined. And you ought to use a pretty powerful microscope on this guy. We had -- I wrote a letter after all this happened to mr. Lemmer, Commissioner of precinct 4 in Williamson county. And I hand-delivered it to mr. Lemmer. And after we discussed it and he read my letter, if I had known this, I would never have agreed to extend gattis school road through your subdivision. So it boils down, folks, the developer, mr. Timmerman, not only misled his customers and his neighbors, it apparently appears he misled a county Commissioner. And not only that, he got the Williamson county to pay a major portion of the cost of this road. And in doing so, he left two people with the problem of solving the mess that he created. Now, I don't see this, folks, as a budget item. I see this as a guts item. Mr. Timmerman has lots of guts. It took a lot of guts for him to do the things that he has done so far in getting this road connected. And as I see it, this court needs to confront mr. Timmerman and tell him to correct his own mess at his own expense. And I thank you folks for your time. I have a pass-out that contains the letter that I wrote to mr. Lemmer, the minutes of that meeting, and our website. Our website has all the details of the information on the petition and the many violations that occurred with Williamson county in doing what they've done. And it actually gives you the rest of the story. Thank you.
>> thank you.
>> thank you.
>> if I can update everybody very quickly, we met -- when I say "we," internally yesterday mr. Nuckols and two folks from t.n.r., Mr. Geiselman and staff. We're narrowing down what unfortunately are narrow options. We're trying to get [inaudible] on what is the best solution. I called Commissioner lemmer's office yesterday. He's out of town but will return next week. We're trying to get a meeting together of Williamson county, Travis County and the developer involved in terms of what we think may be the best solution on this, and then we would be meeting with the neighborhood to tell them about that. But it did not go away. We just met yesterday on this and we are very close to getting this narrowed down to what options we've got. Thank you.
>> thank you.
>> thank you for coming down.
>> anybody else for citizens communication, whether you signed in or not?
>> there is one thing that happened over the weekend.
>> can you come back to the mike?
>> can you come back to the microphone so we can hear you?
>> one thing that happened over the weekend that probably ought to be aware of. One of the neighbors, the one that lives on the cul-de-sac, had the windshield of his pickup blown out with a shotgun over the weekend. So what we were suspecting has already happening.
>> okay.

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 16, 2003 7:52 AM