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Travis County Commssioners Court
September 16, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 34

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Number 34 is to take appropriate action on proposal from the Travis County medical society found david garcia to provide medical care for area indigents through project access. [papers shuffling - audio interference] if I knew where some of these doctors were coming down and I tell them I did not know. What happened is I chatted with a couple of them, must have been months ago, over the last couple of days, I think we sent y'all little notes that said letters have been received in my office in support of this item, the total of 74 signatures, and I can guaranty you that I have since, within the last couple of days, received probably 20 or so faxes in support of this, and they appear all to be from area doctors. And what they are saying is that, correct me if I'm wrong, stephen, a supplement where you see fit...
>> okay.
>> ... They are willing to provide, is it free medical services?
>> it's provide access and health care to the uninsured, and low income of Travis County, basically what they're doing is volunteering their service time.
>> they're saying when they see a patient, diagnosis, typically medication is involved and they will provide the service where I understand it, free of charge, or a little bit of nothing, but they want a commitment from the city or the county to fund medication and they're asking for how much.
>> $175,000 each from the city and the county respectively, and they're also saying that return on the dollar is 12 to 1 and actually you could see that with -- with the cost of health care. They also -- the population that they're serving is those individuals that are not fully covered by any of our local or our federal government funds or programs.
>> stephen, how do -- are they putting in a request for both, each of the city and the county?
>> now, that's what I initially understood, but when I read the letter...
>> collectively, and that means together.
>> okay.
>> [inaudible]
>> I just got the two pager job.
>> yes. It says collectively.
>> some of the letters I get are the city council, others are Biscoe, county judge.
>> they're asking for city and county together do 175 or individually, and the second thing is if we do whatever we do what we're being asked to do is make sure those are covering folks that would wind up on our rolls? Remember, we had this issue with brackenridge in terms good things happen and it turns out it's all city of Austin clients and it didn't help our rolls at all.
>> what I told stephen is I would try to get the court to let me know whether or not we want to get a spokesperson down here and ask questions and make a presentation next week.
>> that seem to be appropriate, judge.
>> (one moment, please, for change in captioners...).
>> Captions are not available for the remainder of this item discussion. The motioned carried by unanimous vote.
This item was reposted for next week's voting session.

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 16, 2003 7:52 AM