Travis County Commssioners Court
September 16, 2003
The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.
Item 3
Number 3 is a public hearing to discuss request to approve a plat for recording in precinct 3. Lake Travis subdivision number 2, resubdivision of lot 13, short form plat, three lots. 4.901 acres, lime creek road, no fiscal required. Sewage service to be provided on-site septic.
>> the owners of this lot wishes to resubdivide three -- three single-family into two. When this came in, it came in to the single office unit down in the city. However, since that time volente had incorporated it, which includes this lot. So we really -- since the public hearing was already in process, we just asked that you go ahead and hear the public hearing and actually take no action and just pull the action which is item number 24.
>> other than that, any concerns that we should be aware of?
>> you might want to get an opinion from --
>> my understanding of it was the volente -- if it would have been approved if it was still in our jurisdiction because they don't have their own staff to review the plat. They were sort of looking to you all -- although ultimately legally the city will have to approve it before it's filed. We're sort of looking to you all to say this thing meets all the necessary public, health, safety and welfare standards.
>> and it does. Does that mean they should approve the action?
>> I think that's what the city is asking. To take a vote on it and say basically if this was still in our jurisdiction, we would approve it.
>> that's correct.
>> and I think that will give the city the comfort to know they can approve it too. Because they've got the jurisdiction now.
>> well, at some point does all of this shift to them as opposed to we're doing work for free on their behalf?
>> oh, yeah.
>> is it just because this one is kind of like --
>> because this was filed with the county and then the city incorporated that. This will be the only time this happens, right, anna?
>> right. And we did collect fees for this.
>> okay. I'm just -- clear out the [inaudible]. Got it.
>> would anyone like to give testimony during this public hearing?
>> move the public hearing be closed.
>> second.
>> that passes by unanimous vote. And so we do want to leave item 24 on today?
>> yes, sir.
Last Modified: Wednesday, September 16, 2003 7:52 AM