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Travis County Commssioners Court
August 26, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 31

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31 is to consider and take appropriate action on a proposal to purchase the anthem upgrade and ai-indexing software, including, sole source exemption for the purchase and maintenance of the anthem upgrade and ai-indexing software from hart intercivic incorporated. And 31-b, modification number 6 to contract 99coo 18-jp deed indexing system purchasing/installation/ main purchasing/installation/main tenance with heart intercivic and c, modification number 2 to contract ma 030067 lc purchase and maintenance of the probate imaging system with hart intercivic.
>> the court asked me to provide additional information on what the heck is ai-din ex-ing. -- indexing. Just real briefly, you've gotten additional information from it and I'm here to answer any questions on anything else you might want to know. But this time last budget year we could see the increase in deed indexing, which has resulted in the good news about the increase in revenue that we've seen for the general fund from the county clerk's office. But we knew we were getting hit with a work load that was, you know, increasing beyond our ability to be able to manage it. Back logs were increasing. It was not -- it was good news for the general fund, but not good news for the work load. So I put in a request for additional f.t.e.'s. I think I whittled it down to one at budget time last year. And then right before we came into budget hearings, I found -- it wasn't new, but it was new to me. I stownd found a piece of software that would help us speed up our data entry for d indexing. So I pulled the request for the additional f.t.e.'s and I came back to court and I said I would rather work with purchasing and with the county attorney's office to see if we could get this enhancement to our existing deed indexing software so that I don't have to come back to you with one or two or three additional deed indexers in order to be able to handle this work load. Now, it's been a year, and we've been working through all of the questions and the concerns and the contracting and the -- all of the purchasing requirements in order to get this done. What I would like to ask the court to do today is please pass this. I really need this enhancement software. And just real briefly, what this enhancement to to the existing software does is it has a character recognition piece to it that the software gets accustomed to seeing those standard deed documents come in and the deed indexers don't have to retype every single word. The software will populate the fields for you so that then all the indexers have to do is just verify that it's correct tnd it speeds up the individual person's data entry for each deed indexing document. And we really believe this is what's going to save us from asking to ask you -- having to ask you for additional personnel. We have a little bit of money that was in a reserve fund that we knew we were going to need for deed indexing purposes, but when I found this software we shifted around, we planned for this. It is out of '03 money, so it's already existing money. The additional revenue that helped us pay for, instead of people, software that can help us manage the increase in this work load.
>> so is there like a little working group working on this?
>> yes, sir, for a year there has been.
>> is this part of the e-filing?
>> no, sir, it has nothing to do with e-filing. It's a data entry enhancement. It never has had anything to do with e-filing.
>> what's your position on this?
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> they were -- walter sat in on the original presentations. I don't think they have -- it's an enhancement to an existing piece of software. Here we go. He can speak for himself.
>> I don't think I have any problem.
>> we have not been involved in eat valuation software itself. We were asked back in December to look at the hardware requirements and to evaluate the space requirements. We made some recommendations at that time, but we were not part of the evaluation on the software.
>> this deed indexing doesn't affect anything else at the county?
>> no, sir, it doesn't, just deed indexing, real property documents. And we did, by the way, its's recommendations for what they thought we should do for hardware and disk space configuring.
>> this is part of the record stores, record maintenance?
>> yes, sir, out of last year's budget.
>> I move 31 a, b and c.
>> second.
>> any other discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote with Commissioner Daugherty absent this afternoon.
>> thank you very much.
>> was that your last item?
>> yes, sir. Let me flip will you real quickly. I believe it is.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:52 AM