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Travis County Commssioners Court
August 26, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 24

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24 is to approve budget amendments and transfers.
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> which is a co fund. It is for a project that was originally approved on may 27th for $60,000 for a cooling tower to go on the building roof. And this has come in a little higher than that. We are requesting an additional $9,021 for the contract. The bid came in at 64,000 and some change. As well as $5,000 penning completion of the project. [papers shuffling - audio interference]
>> this budget is approved and then we have 196,991.
>> okay.
>> item a-2 is related to an air conditioning unit of one of the buildings out at the gardner-betts juvenile justice facility known as the shelter. And it's a building of approximately 4500 square feet. It uses a commercial hvac system due to the design of the building when it was ormly constructed. And it's my information from facilities management that that unit has failed and needs to be replaced. And because of the design of the building, it has to be replaced with a commercial hvac system. The smallest of these run approximately $100,000. In finding a creative funding source, we reached out and talked to other departments in the county, and justice and public safety or now emergency services had a maintenance agreement related to the mobile data terminal contract that wasn't going to be in appreciation until fy '04. They needed funding for fy '04, but it turns out they were going to have exactly $100,000 that they weren't going to be needing for fy fwoe and they graciously offered us a solution for meeting these hvac needs. And so that's what we've proposed here as a source, if there's not alternative, which is what we understand in replacingment the hvac center.
>> the system that's failed as far as the old unit that was out there, I understand that it's not any good any more and has to be replaced for this 4500 square foot area. Can somebody tell me, is there anything else attached to this 109,000-dollar price tag for the new hvac system for that particular 4500 square foot area? What are we getting -- what do we get it it mails in the next year, warranty information and all that stuff, to make sure it's a good, safe investment?
>> [inaudible - no mic]. The system at the shelter at gardner-betts, it really -- it's life was already past. 15 years we go for the hvac system and it's served its life. Now, there's no warranty on that for that service, but the new system, we are recommending the chiller system and it will go for 20 years as the life cycle on that, 20 years.
>> I was basically targeting on the warranty of the new system. That's what I was trying to elude to is what type of warranty do we have on this investment as far as the new system, warranty information.
>> I believe the warranty in the performance of that particular system. We have it for -- we have to types of warranties. We have the warranty for the workmanship, and this is -- and this is an event or commitment to us that he will -- they will fix any defect in the system. The material warranty is for 20 years.
>> 20 years?
>> usually that's what we have right there on this kind of system. And if it works very well, you should have no problem. But if it has a defect, manufacturing defect, we always can go back to the contractor, the vendor, the manufacturer, and request a replacement.
>> okay. I just wanted to get that information.
>> this warranty is inherent in the project itself. It's not set aside. It's in the system. And we also say if it's failed early, and we determine that it failed early because of the manufacturer defect, we can go after the vendor or the contractor to replace it. That's how we look at those kind of warranties.
>> okay. I just wanted to make sure we had some coverage to protect this investment.
>> I think it's a good investment right now for -- with this new system in there. It's less maintenance and I believe it will be -- [ inaudible ]. It is less maintenance than the existing system.
>> well, george, I tell you, I learned more about air conditioning in terms of reading your memo. It was quite extensive about that it's not just a matter of replacing the unit, there are some ways about how the building is cooled, going to its own system, having to do with the chiller stuff. It's not just like changing out the air conditioning. The problems are much more serious, and this should take care of that building for 20 years. So at 100,000, that's a lot of money, but we're fixing a whole lot of problems.
>> I mentioned about the 20 year. The $100,000 is an estimate. It's the best estimate we have. And if this is on the higher -- this is on the higher side. I think we'll realize some savings in there. We have some savings on the labors. So I think the -- we can cover that and then we'll go back to the court.
>> thank you.
>> so just as -- justice and public safety will not need this $100,000 in '03, but they will need it in '04.
>> that's when the completion of the system is finished. The maintenance agreement on the system is being developed for fy '03 -- in fy '03.
>> but I'm looking at justice and public safety in '04. Will they need this $100,000 in '04?
>> yes, and here's why --
>> I understand. I'm asking a source of funding question is what I'm good about to get to. Is this in the preliminary budget for '04?
>> yes, it is part of the base budget for emergency services.
>> okay.
>> well, I don't need to say anything. I'm here to give and assist and all that.
>> you have so learned well. [ laughter ]
>> I just want to make sure we were covered for next year. Okay? And there are a couple of added items.
>> yes, t-1 through t-8 refer to some internal records management resources transfers. That will free up internal resources that can be directed to fy '03 postage requirements. 10,577,000 of protected salary savings in the records management communication resources department would be transferred to off site storage. This would allow the same amount of off site storage budget and transfer to postage and general fund. And also there is $13,200 of projected savings in a maintenance line item that would also be transferred towards postage.
>> okay. Questions or comments about the budget amendments? Move approval.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? All in favor?
>> we do have some discussion items, judge. I think they would thruf it if we don't discuss them and approve them.
>> discussion items a, two and three, which is the rollover of the records management fund from last week and it's associated with item number 31 on your agenda.
>> we can come back to that.
>> yeah, I think we can come back to that.
>> so all of the amendments and all of the transfer items --
>> and on a-3 and a-4.
>> yeah. I was looking at the -- what we discussed, actually. Normally the transfer items, t-1 through t-8, I thought those were fairly routine.
>> that's correct. So if we just pull out the -- that would be fine to me. [overlapping speakers].
>> I understand that.
>> we would recommend that.
>> that's what I was voting on.
>> everything except the three items. That's what the motion covers. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:52 PM