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Travis County Commssioners Court
August 26, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 5

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5-a is to declare Tuesday, August the 26th, 2003 as Travis County employee recognition day.
>> good morning, judge and members of the court. I'm linda morris smith, director of human resources. This particular day is an 11th annual event where we recognize the services of employees within Travis County. It's always an exciting one for the human resources department, and in particular carol insteadler, who coordinates the services for today. What we have before you today is an opportunity to recognize employees who have actually served Travis County in three different categories, 20 years of service, 25 years of service as well as 30 years of service. The total that you will see today, invited today, represents 67 employees, all of them have been invited. Not sure if we have each and every one of them present. Throughout Travis County, though, it's important for us to recognize that although you're seeing 67 or so today awarding the service pins swltion the certificates, we actually have 496 employees who have been recognized at the department level for five years of service, 10, as well as 15 years of service. Our tenure among the workforce is very good and we're glad few that because year not dealing with a lot of turnover. So we're real pleased to you to represent the employees who will be recognized for 20, 25 and 30 years of service today.
>> move appval of 5-a.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by instance vote. That means this is Travis County employee recognition day. And b is to present employees certificates and service pins for 20, 25 and 30 years of service. And what role does the Commissioners court play?
>> we would like you to come down off the dias and pose for pictures with each one of the employees.
>> although you know I'm shy, linda, I will come down and I will make that exception. [ laughter ]
>> one thing, if I could get you to come up and if you would stand right here, i'll take your picture. [ laughter ]
>> okay. We're going to start with the 30 years. And we have three of those. Two of them are retired, but I'm going to go ahead and call their name into the record so that the whole group can be recognized. First we have robert patterson in civil court, and he recently retired. And we have susan kuerrero with 30 years in e.m.s. Representing our 30-year honorees is mike kilgore of probate court. [ applause ] mike has also worked in county clerk in his 30 years here in Travis County.
>> i'll move on to our 25 years. We have 14 people to recognize in this category. First we have pamela phillips from county attorney's office. Linda cortez from the county clerk's office. And (indiscernible) from the district clerk's office. Virgil brown from the district clerk's office. [ applause ] joe bowls of civil court. [ applause ] sandra lofton from civil courts. Emily lecher from district attorney. Steven aaron from constable 3. [ applause ] mr. Aaron has also worked in the sheriff's department in his 25 years with Travis County. Carlos lopez, constable 5. [ applause ] now, carlos has also worked in jp 5 in his 25 years here with Travis County. Rufus rodriguez, sheriff's department. [ applause ] randall derrick, supervision and corrections. [ applause ] randall has also worked with the sheriff's department in his 25 years with Travis County. Fran horton, juvenile probation. [ applause ] steven musell, juvenile probation. [ applause ] steven has also worked in the district attorney's office in the time he's been here with Travis County. Ryan schneider, juvenile probation. Now we move to the 20-year honorees. We have 50 of those. Heading the list is brenda penny from the county judges' office. [ applause ] gloria rios from the auditor's office. [ applause ] va necessary in a broussard -- vanessa broussard from the county tax office. [ applause ] carol derby from juvenile probation. [ applause ] carol has also worked in human resources until February of this year, and then also county attorney. [ laughter ] donna parker sternun from human resources. [ applause ] donna has also worked with the civil service commission and the sheriff's department in her 20 years here. Flo cachens from its. [ applause ] who's also worked for the district clerk in her 20 years with Travis County. Linda juarez from its. [ applause ] norma juarado from district clerk. Cecil capperton from civil courts. [ applause ] patricia day from civil court. She's also worked in criminal court in her 20 years with Travis County. Linda kennedy from district criminal courts. I know she said she was going to be off. Alicio cardena, sheriff's department. Phyllis claire, sheriff's department. Jimmy davenport, sheriff's department. Earl trout biggs, sheriff's department. Larry gilbert, sheriff's department. [ applause ] roy green, sheriff's department. Robert hurt, sheriff's department. Durell jackson, sheriff's department. William crebs, sheriff's department. [ applause ] car advertise curtis (indiscernible), sheriff's department. I understand he just retired. Bernie miles, sheriff's department. County employees are getting a little taller, I believe. [ laughter ] when I hired on I was as tall as the county employees. [ laughter ]
>> patricia price, sheriff's department. Nancy restrictive covenanter, sheriff's department. Richter. James regebbuck, sheriff's department. Cindy suasenhausen. Sheriff's department.
>> the sheriff's department does not get invited next year, by the way. [ laughter ]
>> robert singleton, sheriff's department. [ applause ] charles taylor, sheriff's department. Melinda trevio, sheriff's department. She's also worked for the county auditor. Daniel waits, sheriff's department. Edward hernandez, community supervision and corrections. Sue mueller, community supervision and corrections. [ applause ] dorcas rock well, community supervision and corrections. [ applause ] pete katz, Travis County council on education. [ applause ] mary canales, juvenile probation. Judith hoard, juvenile probation. William king, juvenile probation. Daniel mueller, juvenile probation. Kenneth anthony, transportation and natural resources. [ applause ] john fairchild, transportation and natural resources. [ applause ] paul garcia, transportation and natural resources. Adolph ledezma, transportation and natural resources. [ applause ]
>> is that it? [ laughter ]
>> daniel perry, transportation and natural resources. [ applause ] marcelin a-rodry gez, transportation and natural resources. [ applause ] ricardo ruiz, transportation and natural resources. [ applause ]
>> I didn't like them starting at that end either. [ laughter ] gloria (indiscernible), health & human services. [ applause ] andrea yates calenda, health & human services. Andrea.
>> vincent rangel, health & human services. [ applause ] alvaro sanchez, animal shelter. [ applause ] health & human services.
>> that concludes our presentation. Congratulations to everyone. [ applause ]

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:52 PM