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Travis County Commssioners Court
August 19, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 14

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14, approve modification number 1 to k-rlt number 02 t 002150 j, milliman usa for actuarial services for the Travis County self-funded plan.
>> I have no problems with the not succeed amount in the [inaudible]. But I'm concerned, and I understand that this is not a -- work this particular firm did [inaudible] doing the process of going through our health insurance change that we made, in fact, coming up with a plan and then having basically three options under that plan, but my concern is the increase -- the modification of this particular contract not to exceed amount going up to $50,000 because of the expenditures that were incurred of more than the amount of the contract, I guess more than $41,000 going beyond the not exceed amount [inaudible]. This is basically what this is supposed to do, which I have no opposition to. But my questions is that to look at accuracy as far as projecting the amount of money that I think we ought to pay anybody, it appears since we now have a setting whereby we'll set up funding, we actually have an opportunity to have data that we are exposed to whereas in the past not being self-funded we didn't have an opportunity to look at data. So my question is, on a quarterly basis, it would be good to have whoever is dealing with this to give us some type of projection. And since we have already gotten to this plan of a three option insurance type scenario, which is a tough task, it would be good to note if at all possible that we can get quarterly reports in as opposed to just a one-time big bang, bang, bang type situation which appears to me would cost more money. So how can we adjust, arrange our situation to do some things in that regard?
>> Commissioner, we can accomplish that. We can get the actuary to review data on a quarterly basis, which is a good idea as we develop a new plan and move into that areament and in fact, we did discuss this with the actuary and he's provided us some information.
>> did he say he would be willing to do something like that?
>> yes, sir.
>> okay. Which may be cheaper for us, I think. Especially because some have been saying it doesn't hardly -- the not to exceed amount, [inaudible] of course just to satisfy what this person did at that time. But once that goal of not to exceed amount, in this case $50,000, who is to say the next time it won't $49,999.
>> we might look in the future of recompeting this. I believe this was not competed originally, so if they continue to double our price she we might want to go out for competition and find someone else.
>> think that was the agreement -- I think that was the agreement that the committee came to, that in fact this year we would like to go out and interview several aubg aers and see if we can get someone -- I think one of the court members suggested closer to Texas. This one is out of colorado, and maybe even in central Texas. And take a look at the comparative prices of the particular services.
>> there's a -- a lot of this cost was travel suspensions, air fare, hotels, that sort of thing.
>> not new mexico.
>> not new mexico?
>> I take it when we requested a trip back and a visit with us we thought it was necessary to get input.
>> yes.
>> yes.
>> and we did receive the service, whether we liked it or not.
>> yes.
>> we think that the charge is a reasonable value of it for Travis County?
>> yes.
>> move approval.
>> second, judge.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 20, 2003 8:52 AM