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Travis County Commssioners Court
August 19, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 12

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Item number 12 is to consider request from health and human services for additional funds to cover shortfall in rural medical assistance program.
>> > good morning, judge and Commissioners.
>> > good morning.
>> > several weeks ago you approved a $500,000 transfer from the allocated reserve. Our projections indicate that we're still projecting a $240,000 shortfall if current trends continue. What we're recommend ing is that we be authorized to transfer 100,000 from a consulting services line item which we have set aside to use if we were able to negotiate a deal with the v.a. Health clinics.
>> > in the health and human services budget.
>> > in the health and human services budget. To help reduce that shortfall. And also give us permission to tap the tobacco endowment reserve, which is basically set aside to deal with health-related needs to really meet the projected shortfall. If trends continue within the program, we believe that this should cover it for the rest of the year.
>> > the tobacco endowment fund has $140,000 in it.
>> > it has $150,000 in it that the department is requesting $140,000 of that.
>> > right. Now, do we still get an annual amount from the state?
>> > we would still get whatever reimbursement; however, this is a one-time interest that has built up on those proceeds that we get every year. This would reduce it down to 10,000. It would not be replenished.
>> > we have been doing a [inaudible].
>> > I think one year you used it for mental health drugs.
>> > and just as a reminder to the court, this is not a forever reimbursement on the tobacco settlement. The county I think appropriately -- counties took their money over, I believe it's a five-year period, but I stand to be corrected if that's not correct, but I think there were concerns that 15, 20 years from now perhaps there are not tobacco companies to be paying out a settlement. So counties are taking their funds you have front. So this is not a forever amount in terms of it being replenished over the next 20 years.
>> > but these are appropriate transfers. I move approval.
>> > second.
>> > this is not the time to start smoking and drinking, right?
>> > no. [laughter]
>> > now, any more discussion? Our position is if we're going to do this, these two sources make about as much sense as anything, more sense than general fund, I at a time. All in favor? Show Commissioners Gomez, Sonleitner and yours truly voting in favor. Voting against, Commissioner Daugherty.
>> > before you leave, this $10,000 that would be left in this tobacco reserve, do we anticipate any additional money coming in from the state on this at all?
>> > is it one more year or two more years?
>> > how many more years of money do we have coming?
>> > I'm not sure let. Let me get back to you on how long it takes to accumulate the interest.
>> > give me that information. Thank you.
>> > the conference of urban counties [inaudible]. They are very, very involved.
>> > thanks.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 7:52 PM