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Travis County Commssioners Court
August 19, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Items 7 & A1

View captioned video.

Number 7 is to approve budget amendments and transfers. Thank you all very much. What we did just then is included in item number 7 under t-1 also tobacco reserve item is there under -- it's under a-1, and other specific --
>> > this is 1 through 3 or tied to agenda item number 43 and it would be appropriate to discuss [inaudible] before taking up transfers unless you want to do everything except the three discussion items.
>> > I was fine with the discussion items in terms of the software upgrades related to the indexing project which has been tied into item 43 related to the actual exemption, modification [inaudible].
>> > what's the source of funding for 43?
>> > 28 records management funds.
>> > is this one of those funds that the clerk controls or the Commissioners court?
>> > it's the 028 records management fund that the clerk directs expenditures out of that the Commissioners court approves the budget.
>> > [inaudible] a little more about this, some background for my vote. [inaudible] do we not?
>> > when is the contract --
>> > I believe that this is the final piece that's missing and they are just waiting on this -- the money to move from the allocated reserve and fund 028 to the actual expenditure line item.
>> > the allocated reserve I see is --
>> > it's a records management allocated reserve, yes.
>> > we are having a discussion of these when?
>> > Friday, I thought.
>> > I move that I be granted a courtesy one week on this. That we have it on next week.
>> > so that would be just -- discussion 1, 2, 3, and then item 43?
>> > yes. I just think we need to have a comprehensive discussion of all those record funds. I don't understand it is my problem. Which is why I suggested we have some legal analysis and opinion a discussion with the county clerk. That is scheduled for Friday one. If we postpone this one week, that will give us an opportunity to have that discussion Friday so we can proceed.
>> > next Tuesday?
>> > are we going to approve the others?
>> > yes, ma'am. I think the others are ready.
>> > 7.
>> > on number 7 we pull out those basically related to 43.
>> > that would be ds 1, 2 and 3.
>> > and those are on the back of the page.
>> > that's correct.
>> > that's why I had not seen them. Okay.
>> > let me ask, does this apply to what we just had? I mean, would h.h.s. --
>> > a. 2, 3, 7 and t-1 are the $240,000 for h.h.s. Those are the items related to what we just --
>> > let's do it on all -- let's - let's pull out the h.h.s. $100,000, the tobacco money, 140,000 for a separate motion. The rest of the budget amendments and transfers, the rest is in this motion.
>> > okay.
>> > second.
>> > the rest are in this motion. Let's try it that way. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. I move that we approve the transfer of the 100,000 and $140,000 that we discussed in item number 12.
>> > second.
>> > any more discussion? Ll if favor? Show Commissioners Davis Sonleitner Davis and your truly voting in favor.
>> > because of what we just did, does that mean a-1 [inaudible] contract that I think is waiting on doing the amendment? Did I get that right?
>> > that's correct.
>> > second?
>> > move approval of a-1.
>> > any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> > thank you.
>> > we do have the county clerk here that I think would like to address the court on the --
>> > on 43. Can it wait a week?
>> > can it wait a week?
>> > yes, ma'am.
>> > I hope so.
>> > beg pardon?
>> > was there a concern I need to do address?
>> > I would like to have the full discussion scheduled for Friday morning.
>> > for Friday morning?
>> > no, no, we have the records, arrest sraoeufs, storage, maintenance, et cetera discussion Friday morning. > okay.
>> > I would like to have that discussion before acting on this one.
>> > all right. Thank you.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 10:52 PM