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Travis County Commssioners Court
August 19, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 3

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3. Approve resolution honoring betty robertson on her retirement from the county extension office after over 27 years of service to Travis County.
>> is this your item?
>> I would be happy to read it.
>> judge and Commissioners, if I'm allowed to read the resolution, I'm in denial about this. We just had the 4-h banquet about a week ago, nobody believes betty is leaving. Whereas for 27 years betty robertson has served the youth and families of Travis County as county extension agent, she has served as coordinator for the Travis County 4-h program one of the most active in Texas, whereas betty spearheaded one of the most active character education programs ever, reaching over 17,350 youth and adult programs designed to strengthen the individual character traits of the participants and whereas as 4-h program coordinator for the past 27 years, betty has seep the 4 h program grow from approximately 600 members in the 1970's to over 27,000 members today due to her motivation and her coordination of the large group of volunteers that assist with the program at the local level. Her volunteers have contributed in excess of 3,100 hours of volunteer service annually to provide outstanding youth development programming for 4-h members and others and whereas betty has continued her strong leadership in the development and growth of the Travis County 4 h scholarship fund which now has over $100,000 and has awarded over $45,000 to local youth attending college since 1986. And whereas betty has developed a training series for employees of Travis County, health and human services and veterans services and t.r.c. T.n.r. Dealing with ethics in the workplace that has reached over 600 employees of Travis County to death. Therefore be it resolved that we at the Travis County Commissioners court do here by extend special thanks to betty robertson for her years of dedicated and for her impact she had ha had on the lives of Travis County youth and wish her the best in all of her future endeavors.
>> second.
>> good morning is that good morning. --
>> good morning, judge. Just hearing that, I think we are all pretty much in awe at the thing betty robertson has done for youth within Travis County. 4-h is one of those special programs and I think that it takes very special people, very special person to coordinate a program like this. You -- within the resolution, you -- you see her accomplishments enumerated. I would really like to publicly thank betty for the work that she's done during the years that I have been executive manager of health and human services, veterans services. But also I'm very operative of the fact -- appreciative of the fact that she has not only extended her work to youth within Travis County, but throughout the county organization in teaching ethics in the workplace and we hope that betty, even during her retirement, will be willing to maybe continue those efforts on an as-needed basis. And jeff is not here because he's out, but he's really told me that betty is going to really be a loss and it's going to be hard to replace her and to work with kids for 28 years, I think that it is really special and really honorable to do that. Betty, we really appreciate that. You are going to be missed.
>> judge and Commissioners, before betty gets started, at the vend of the banquet the other night they actually called up betty to recognize her and I was amazed that she said that was the first time she had ever addressed the banquet. And I think that speaks volumes because she is there behind the scenes and the kids are the stars. And it has always been that way. She has never been the one to take any kind of credit for what she does. But betty is so well respected by others around the state, they all know who she is. That was the first time that betty has actually taken center stage, it's long overdue it ought not to be on her retirement that she allows us to say thank you in a very public way, but thank you.
>> has a going away party been planned yet, or do you know?
>> actually, we had it yesterday. I'm reeling from that, a lot of people there, the little joy in this job is seeing the kids that come back that are now -- unfortunately four -- not unfortunately, but I have a couple of generations have gone through the 4 h program here, a lot of them were there yesterday, that's where the real joy is in the job. But I just wanted to say thanks to you because this has always been a very supportive Commissioners court and that's -- you know, that's not something every extension agent can say, either. You mentioned in the resolution the scholarship fund that we have, that was started by a grant from this Commissioners court back in the mid '80's, we have been able to do a lot with that and send some kids off to college, we really appreciate that. And all of the support that you've given to the 4-h program, yes, I will still be happy to do some things if the occasion arises.
>> thank for you your dedication and hard work. I was about to brag that I was better at attending going away parties than 4 h banquets, but since I missed yesterday's I won't say that. I wish that we could give you part of this scholarship fund, it's $100,000 in it, as you know we cannot.
>> can't do that.
>> I will see if I can address the court to name it, though, the betty robertson scholarship fund.
>> yeah.
>> I'm going to tell you right now, I challenge anybody else out there that's listening, I'm going to write a check to that scholarship fund in honor of betty robertson, what she has done for this program.
>> thank you very much, that's a wonderful honor, I appreciate that.
>> sounds like a real good, idea, judge --
>> writing the check or the name? [laughter]
>> both. Both.
>> [indiscernible]
>> I like that.
>> I will take the check now. [laughter]
>> we will miss you.
>> that's a good idea.
>> you will be here in Travis County?
>> yes, staying here.
>> all right.
>> I will still be around.
>> although we don't have part of the scholarship fund to give you, we will give you this beautiful resolution, proclamation to carry it with you. Stephen, do we have any framing capability?
>> we will get it framed, judge.
>> beautify this one.
>> after you all have signed it, we will frame it.
>> I move approval, judge.
>> anything else? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. [ applause ]
>> when is your last date, by the way?
>> it's the 29th.
>> you have to actually take the proclamation, betty.
>> let us know how much Commissioner Sonleitner's check is.
>> a little challenge going on here, judge.
>> can I give mine in 10 increments.
>> whatever you would like to do. [laughter]
>> good luck to you.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 7:52 PM