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Travis County Commssioners Court
July 29, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Items 32 & 33

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Joe, are we ready for 32 and 33? 32 is consider and take appropriate action on participation agreement with plaza v 620 for the construction of anderson mill road.
>> you had this on last week, and this last -- in this last interim week, we have found a way to basically exchange road improvements of equal value. As it turned out, Williamson county had voter approval to upgrade mcneil road from howard lane to county road 172. They are going to take a two-lane rural road and upgrade it to a four-lane arterial. A portion of that road is in Travis County. And they are ready to go ahead and proceed to build that road. And the value of that improvement is about $1,134,000. We were estimating that the value of anderson mill road, that our portions in Williamson county were going to value somewhere between $500,000 and $700,000. So that means they are actually putting more value in Travis County than we are in Williamson county. To offset that, we have approved already $600,000 in fee cap money that we were going to pay Williamson county for mcneil. Understanding that that did not represent a full value of what Williamson county was going to do to mcneil road within Travis County. So the way the interlocal agreement is now drafted is we give consent to Williamson county to improve mcneil road within Travis County. They give us consent to improve anderson mill road within Williamson county. By our payment of 600,000 to Williamson county, we are roughly equal in value between what we're giving them and what they are giving us. Actually they are -- I would say roughly equal. And I think under the law this would probably be satisfied.
>> speaking of under the law, tom? This comports with your understanding of legal?
>> yes, it does.
>> standards. Be sure to thank our good friends to the north, joe.
>> will do.
>> Commissioner Sonleitner moves approval.
>> I do move approval and this is a discussion of a very long road trip from plano back to Austin last week in terms of us working on it. So I move approval.
>> second.
>> seconded by Commissioner Gomez. Any more discussion?
>> is that approval of 32 and 33?
>> just 33.
>> 33 is the one we called up. All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote. This is a good time to go to 32?
>> yes.
>> quick procedural question. So does this now need to go back to Williamson county to get --
>> yes, it does.
>> thank you. I just need to do know that for christian.
>> and the judge signed the originals, we'll shuttle this up to Williamson county for their meeting next week.
>> thank you.
>> 32, consider and take appropriate action on participation agreement with plaza v 620, ltd., For the construction of anderson mill road and rm 620.
>> this is a section of the county c.i.p. Project. As it turned out, the developer of a parcel at the intersection of 620 and anderson mill road was coming to develop their site. The improvement right at the intersection is critical for that corner development. They asked us if they could go ahead and construct the [inaudible] section of anderson mill road that adjoins their property. We have done this type of partnership agreement with other local developers in that they proceed on to build partly, mostly in this case paid for out of the county bond funds, but they are also contributing $100,000 toward the construction of the roadway. So this will proceed that the remainder of the project in which we are still acquiring right-of-way. There are about 30 parcels that we need to acquire before we will actually let the bid for the greater project. But because the intersection is so crucial both to them and to us, quite frankly, we said go ahead and enter into a construction agreement with this company, which is basically trammell crow, to proceed on to build the intersection. And that is what this agreement will do.
>> so we think this is a good deal for Travis County?
>> yes, sir. In part because the capacity of the intersection, quite frankly, controls how much traffic we can get down anderson mill road. The sooner we can get the intersection approved, the better it is for the general public. And that's why we would recommend this one to the court.
>> second.
>> I would move approval.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. So that's approval of 32.
>> thanks for all your hard work. I know there's been a lot over the last week.
>> thank you.

Last Modified: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 12:31 PM