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Travis County Commssioners Court
June 10, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 6

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Number 6 is to approve six-month extension modify number 3 to contract number 02 t 00143-rg, dell marketing for computer hardware. Commissioner Davis?
>> I just had one question, and my concern is in the line of security. The replacement that we have when we deal with the computers when we replace them, what actually happens to the ones we replace?
>> we are auctioning -- some of those computers are transferred to other departments, are used in other places. Most of the computers that we replace are sold at auction.
>> okay.
>> let me ask you this. I'm concerned about the information that may be on the hard drive. Is that addressed, the hard drive essentially wiped clean, whereby information that may be there may be --
>> yes, Commissioner, it is. The hard drive is erased of software because we have licenses to use that equipment and that has to be taken off. And then all of the information is taken out of the hard drive.
>> okay. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't -- I dent get the answer I was looking for as of this morning. I asked the question yesterday, and, of course, didn't receive an answer.
>> who did you ask, Commissioner, someone from my office?
>> no, that was with harlow, joe harlow's job. I just wanted to make sure that the hard drive --
>> it is my understanding that we take all that information out of those systems, take the software off and all the data.
>> if that's the case, I'm pleased with it.
>> I will verify it. That question hasn't been asked in awhile, so we'll check again, but I'm almost sure that we do.
>> I think we said a few years ago that that was going to be part of the process.
>> I don't know. I didn't get an affirmative.
>> [overlapping speakers].
>> the hard drive itself --
>> joe harlow, i.t. Director. What we do is reformat all the drives where they go out there and the folks in the warehouse do something as well on the same line. The main thing is the memory. All of our data is really stored on networks. So when we install a pc out in a department, we set it up so that the working files are then stored on the network. And somebody can store something on the c drive, but that's not the way we set it up for the system to work.
>> okay. Well, I'm pretty much pleased with that answer. I just didn't have that answer this morning, nor yesterday when I asked. So I got it this morning, so I'm pretty much pleased. I'd like to move approval of item 6.
>> I second the motion.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote, with Commissioners Gomez and Sonleitner -- Sonleitner is here, Commissioner Gomez is temporarily away.

Last Modified: Tuesday, July 10, 2003 7:52 PM