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Travis County Commssioners Court
June 3, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 23

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23, approval personnel amendments. Thank you, appreciate you all.
>> good afternoon, judge, linda Moore smith, director of human resources, and norman mccree. We're here not only for consideration of routine personnel actions, but also consideration of the non-routine action which has to do with the court providing h.r. Direction on the end of year selection process for the criminal justice coordinator vacancy position. Do you want to split the routine discussion and the non-routine or would you like for me to --
>> move approval of the routine items.
>> second.
>> thank you.
>> all in favor say aye. That passes by unanimous vote.
>> the criminal justice coordinator job vacancy as directed by the court was posted on may 1st of 2003, for a posting period of four weeks. Did position itself -- the position officially closed on June 2nd, yesterday tovment date h.r. Has received 170 applications. That actually was a [inaudible] yesterday evening. We expect there are probably about 10 or 15 more applications that will be added to that 170 received through 4:00 yesterday. In addition to that, of that 170 applications, we used two levels of screenings. As directed by the court, we received the inputs provided by katie broderick, the former incumbent of that position, as well as the job description that the court approved. H.r. As well as -- in consultation with katie included that -- concluded there are 14 individuals who meet the preferred qualifications that were defined by the court as well as katie. In addition to that, what we're looking for now is the direction from the court in terms of how do we proceed with processing the 14. And we expect there will be others as a result of picking up through 5:00 yesterday afternoon those that have been received. But we're looking for direction at this point on how you would want us to proceed in processing those applications.
>> move approval.
>> normal policy. In other words, with anything else. What do you do?
>> this particular position is one that reports to the Commissioners court. And as the person or the body responsible for this position, we're looking for that direction from you in terms of how you would want us to process the remaining applications. Typically a supervisor would move forward and screen the applications and make a determination from those that are meeting the preferred as to how they want to proceed. There's a committe I mean, you could use a committee process. You could delegate this to, you know, some entity, but the final decision, of course, would be one that the court would want to consider based on the criteria established.
>> move we appoint the following committee to work with human resources to short list the already short list down to five, six or seven candidates for the Commissioners court to interview. The -- that's Commissioner Gomez and myself. Christian smith, carl coaburn, sara frazier, deborah hale, court administrator, and linda Moore smith. That's seven people. The last time we had a few more than that, we had all the executive managers and really had a party. Sheriff phraser was on there, as I recall, Commissioner smith. We shortened it a little bit. If we got 14 or 15 and we want to get down to less than half of that, I think in one meeting this group would be able get that done and get that list to the Commissioners court for interview if not next week, the week after.
>> that's doable.
>> I second that, judge.
>> what I did really was try to get a cross-section of people involved in the jail overcrowding issue. It does affect the county's budget, so I think christian smith should be there, Commissioner Gomez, myself, [inaudible] most of this responsibility sheriff phrase frazier, linda Moore smith for human resources, basically. If we could take some of these off or add some more if you all wish. This is seven, though, so it's --
>> a manageable number.
>> yeah. Any more discussion? All in favor say aye. That passes by unanimous vote. Let's try to have a meeting either -- not late this week. I would suggest first part of next week and aim toward the week of the 16th for the Commissioners court to have a -- some folk to chat with.
>> very good. Okay. Thank you.
>> thank you.
>> thank you.
>> anything else on this item?
>> no, I don't think so.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 4, 2003 9:52 AM