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Travis County Commssioners Court
May 20, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 1

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1. Conduct public hearing to reassignment of westbank drive in precinct 3, from a two way traffic road to a one way east bound traffic road between camp craft road and pinnacle road for the duration of part of the westbank road and drainage improvements construction project, lasting approximately from June 2003 to August 2003.
>> move to open.
>> second.
>> all in favor, signify by saying aye.? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> good morning, carol joseph, t.n.r. I wanted to kind of explain exactly what it is that we are doing on west bank and then I will get up and show you on the screen here. What I have in front of you is a map of west bank drive. As you know, west bank drive is one of our 2001 bond projects, we have funding from [indiscernible] texdot grant as well as 2001 bond project as well as moneys from city of westlake hills and from -- hopefully within the next week where we will be bringing it to you with eanes i.s.d. To be able to add some money to this project. Is this on? What approximate this project is heir from west bank drive at camp craft road to the pinnacle, we are asking to have this one lane eastbound road the reason it's such a short time frame is because this is during the school -- the summer session and we hope to have this project finished before the school starts. The roadway completed before the school starts. What we are going to do is widen this road. We are going to have a continuous left turn lane. In addition we are going to have bike lanes on either -- on both sides of the road as well as sidewalks along west bank drive. From -- from allan road up to Bee Caves, the city of Bee Caves is expecting to -- we are going to add sidewalks all the way up. We are expecting a contribution from Bee Caves for this -- for this West Lake Hills has already given us the money, they have given us the money already -- giving us the hope to do the sidewalks in their section. We are hoping to get money from eanes aisd, to add to the sidewalks in here. So what we are asking is continuous one-lane road to be able to finish it within the three month time frame.
>> questions?
>> we seem to be hoping a lot on this one. Hoping to finish it in time and hoping for money from eanes --
>> no, no, there is enough money without them. We have moneys that the stp 4 c grant as well as the bond project and what we are saying is that we will do it, but we -- we know that -- we have already got interlocal with West Lake Hills and it's just a matter of them -- that's part of the alternate bid. As soon as they send the money we will award the rest of the bid. The portion within the Travis County we have all of the funding.
>> okay.
>> we also have -- I have been in close contact with the superintendent of the -- of the eanes school district and they have committed to -- to $120,000 from their side, even though they are having the -- the whoa that's everybody -- the woes that everybody else is having, they have this money set aside specifically for this.
>> I hope they don't change their mind.
>> so do i.
>> we will have the interlocal here next week.
>> I think we are in good shape with it.
>> any objections called to our attention? That means no. Would anyone like to give testimony during this public hearing? Move to close the public hearing.
>> second.
>> all in favor? This will be action item no. 32 today. Show that conversation that we had about backup for public hearing -- joe, that conversation we had about backup for public hearings, do we have backup on this? 1 and 32, I didn't see any. Just a little conversation we had before.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 3:52 PM