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Travis County Commssioners Court
May 6, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 4

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The class from pease elementary school is here.
>> [multiple voices]
>> okay. 4. Approve a resolution commending pease elementary student council on the formation of the student government and their community service to their community.
>> and we will ask the class to come up around the -- there's three more tables, if you want to sit. You all can sit at those chairs. As you know, while they get situated, pease elementary school is just right around the corner from the courthouse and the downtown area. A lot of us are familiar with pease elementary, especially if we had children and they came to pease elementary school. Let me read the resolution and then I believe that -- that you have something to read as well. Okay. Whereas the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Whereas Travis County honors youth who have provided a positive, caring role for humanity. Whereas the youth at pease elementary have been instrumental in the development of the first democratic student governmental body. You all might be able to teach people everywhere about democratic government, whereas the pease elementary student council fosters positive participation in school, academic achievement, positive self image, personal growth and good citizenship in its participants and whereas the student council demonstrates good citizenship by collecting and donating over 200 pounds of food to the capital area food bank and by conducting various fund raisers for the sole santa program to donating food for less fortunate youth. Whereas 9 student council planted native flowers and plants and continuing the maintenance of the flower beds for all to enjoy. Whereas acknowledging the importance of exercise, who conducted a survey of playground and sporting equipment and purchased various sports gear so that all students could actively participate during recess. And whereas knowing that reading and physical activities promote a positive and healthy future, hosted a week-long television turn-off marathon ending with a peace zoo party for all participants. Whereas all pease elementary student council members are to be commended and congratulated for their enthusiasm and diligence in striving to play a positive role in our community. Now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court salutes the pease elementary student council on their formation of the student government and for their service to their community and I would move approval.
>> thank you.
>> and do you have something to read to us?
>> thank you, judge Biscoe, and the rest of the Commissioners.
>> Commissioners court.
>> Commissioners courted for having us here today. And for your recognition of pease elementary. My name is b.j. Winston and I’m city council president. On behalf of all of the student council members, we are very proud and honored to be your guests. This is an excellent opportunity for our student council to learn more about our city government, its leaders and its workings. Though -- I mean through these interactions with our city officials, we increase our understanding of the valuable of being involved citizens. Being a part of student council has been a great experience for each of us. Our student council work requires us to be responsible and learn many necessities, skills to be effect active citizens, such as respect for teamwork, respect for authority, working with adults and ability of -- to compromise necessity of debate and respect for our school. This trip today reenforces the -- the learning we get every day as student council members. Now I would like to introduce alexander rollins, the 6th grade representative of the student council and she will introduce all of the rest of the members of student council.
>> thank you,b.j. I would now introduce the student council members, justice vice-president and fifth great, sam, treasurer of fifth grade, daniel ray ybarra, secretary in fifth grade. Madelyn smith our 6th grade representative. Clara flores, 5th grade representative. Roberto delgado, 4th grade representative. Haley still, board of advisors in 5th grade. Natasha smith, board of advisors in 5th grade. Maricella hernandez, board of advisors in 5th grade. I would also like to thank christie bruchard our sponsor in city council. Again we are all honored to be here today and thank you.
>> thank you alexandria.
>> I would like to thank all of the student council members for their hard work and dedication this year. I believe all of us can say together we have made a difference, both within the school community and within ourselves.
>> you sure have. Thank you.
>> you guys are -- [indiscernible] [ applause ]
>> thank you for coming down. We appreciate having you.
>> thank you.
>> and we need to approve this and then we will give this to you.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> firm handshake, always a firm handshake, there ya go. There ya go.
>> great. Good to meet you all.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 6, 2003 7:52 PM