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Travis County Commssioners Court
May 6, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 3

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3. Approve resolution recognizing leonard l. Hays on his retirement from the facilities management department after twenty-seven years of -- [ applause ] 20 years -- after 27 years of service to Travis County.
>> [laughter]
>> I guess that I should read this one, too?
>> uh-huh.
>> it reads whereas service, dedication and leadership should always be recognized, sounds like the last one, whereas leonard i. Hays, leonard l. Hays, l. Stands for?
>> lee.
>> lee. Okay. Has spent the last 27 years in service to the residents and employees of Travis County, through his performance in responsible positions within the facilities management department and sheriff's office, whereas he ultimately served as the building maintenance coordinator responsible for the performing and supervising the maintenance and repair of the Travis County black well thurmon criminal justice center. His commitment to service, dedicates to duties, his willingness to assume these responsibilities, whereas his efforts result understand a successful resolution of numerous initial operation of problems of this new facility complex and whereas he has decided to retire from Travis County. Now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court of the state of Texas gratefully recognizes the contributions of leonard l. Hays to its citizens and employees of Travis County and wish him happiness and continuing good health as he enters his well-earned retirement. I move approval.
>> second.
>> good morning.
>> good morning.
>> this is a great deal of experience that we are losing here. Especially for the maintenance division of facility management. Then -- leonard hays joined Travis County on December of 1975, from 1975 to April 1980, they have provided outstanding maintenance support as part of general service maintenance staff that maintained the Travis County facilities. In July 19th -- in July of 1988, leonard accepted the maintenance position with the Travis County sheriff's office. His duty assignment included addressing with the central booking remodeling, two floors and maintaining the downtown Travis County jail. And in July of 2000, he rurned to Travis County facilities management. His duty included maintenance of Travis County facilities, his career was a final two years, he ended his career with the final two years as a maintenance coordinator of the criminal justice center gold building complex. It was very, very dependable and responsive to all after hour calls. He doesn't have the regular duty time 8:00 to 5:00, you can call him any time, he respond. The rest of his duty with Travis County, which was on -- the last day of his duty which was on April 30th of 2003, he stayed working until 10:00 p.m. Taking care of an emergency task, flooding at the c.j.c. We appreciate all of your hard work. Good luck in your retirement.
>> thank you. Appreciate it.
>> well. A couple of words perhaps and now leonard, he was the first superintendent of c.j.c. One of the reasons that we assigned him, no matter the task that you give leonard, he always smienlsd he's going to give 110% of it. Every once in a while, I would ask leonard how is c.j.c., He would shake his head and say it's coming along, it's coming along. But through the elevators malfunctioning, through the -- having to address the stairwells and the access to the stairwell, the inmates flooding, you know, stopping up their commodes and flooding the district clerk's office, and through the air quality issues that we had at the jail, leonard always maintained such a good sense of -- of humor and such a delightful person to -- to work with that we are really going to miss him. He's one of those guys that never says no, I can't do it. He says he's going to try his best all the time, I really appreciate that attitude. Thank you, leonard.
>> thinking that you have been waiting 27 years to say?
>> well, I just want to thank Travis County for keeping me employed all of these years. It's great for that. Ever since i've been here, it's like hitting the lottery, not money-wise, but, you know, people-wise. You got -- it got better and better and better, you know. I just would like to thank everybody, all of the guys on the maintenance crew, couldn't have done it without them. Roger, alicia, keeping me going. John, tireless man working, lloyd, greatest man I ever had so far, al vasquez, took me in his wing, learned me about air conditioning and just thank everybody. And i'll still be around if on they need me for something, call me.
>> he's not kidding about that. He gives his cell phone number for us to call him. We are going to certainly miss him. I have yet to see such commitment in my many years of dealing with people and we are certainly going to miss him.
>> I have known leonard always those years, you have always had that positive attitude. It's always been great to meet you in the hallway and have a hi from you. So wish you lots of luck and --
>> a lot of luck. I got a few other jobs I’m doing now, spare jobs and stuff, so --
>> great, thank you so much for your service.
>> I’m especially glad that the young people from pease elementary school are here because leonard is a wonderful example of the value of hard work and that every job within an organization is an important one. So this is a living example of somebody that you ought to try to be like, somebody that's worked very hard for their life. Thank you.
>> thank you.
>> thank you.
>> appreciate it.
>> real positive, always working --
>> very positive. [laughter]
>> leonard, did you have a nickname? [laughter]
>> yeah. My name is pee-wee. [laughter]
>> that will work.
>> keep busy, stay busy.
>> thank you.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. [ applause ]
>> number 4, then we will go back to 1 --
>> the classroom -- the class from pease elementary school is here.
>> [multiple voices]
>> okay.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 6, 2003 7:52 PM