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Travis County Commssioners Court
April 8, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. One person has signed in. That is kenneth snyder.
>> my name is kenneth snyder, north ridge acres, capital city colonial. We really appreciate you coming out there last week and everything. It is a disgrace out there. We have got to live like this and everything. There's a lady have a $150 water bill came up to the house crying, she was going to come with me today and everything, she wasn't home when I went by there. She had $150 water bill. Older lady, about 70 years old. And she said that they were going to cut her water off. But this is our future in north ridge. It's like I say, it's a disgrace to live like that there. Everybody out there saw you out there, wanted to know what was going on, everything. I told them everything. They really appreciate you coming out there, I do, too. It is a disgraced neighborhood. We need almost like -- we need aid like in a war. We need some aid out there. Somebody that can help us and everything. We do appreciate you coming out there, looking at all of the ditches, water lines sitting on sewer. Like that bottle I showed you and everything s. That comes outs of your tab. I go through about three bottles of this a day. I have got dogs, I even wash my dogs, myself with it. This is our future. This lady told me, I couldn't understand it all because she's spanish. She said I can't understand how come I pay $50 a month here and water. Water truck, spends about 50 and 6:00 0 a month in water, here she gets a $150 water bill. She said I want to -- I only get $480 a month social security. We have got to live like this here. But -- but we have got -- we have a water operator out there that's raping the neighborhood. It's actually raping the neighborhood. Big time. The state is running the water system out there. Raping the neighborhood. We can't get any help out there. It's going on nine, 10 years now. Maybe another 10 years, I don't know. But we are losing families rights and left. Four houses right on my street that moved out, not long ago. I think that you have seen a bunch of them out there. That moved out out there. They said oat owe I ain't going to pay $600 for rents and have to pay another 3 or $400 for water. It's ridiculous. You have got four or five kids, you can imagine what you are paying for water. You have a leak, you can imagine what you are paying for water. It's got to be some kind of a -- something in there that's -- [indiscernible] out there. But looks like you have a Commissioner that's going to help you. I hope so, he's in precinct 3, we are in precinct 2. She says that she's going to give you a call and talk to you about it. They have been doing it to her every month. I wish that I could talk spanish, I can't hardly talk to the people out there, I can't understand a word of span any. Kennedy ridge got all of their problems fixed, we have got worser problems. I think it's worser than kennedy ridge where you have sewer running down the streets. They put pipes up there this big around. Everything they do in -- Williamson county come out there, everything that they do is overkill. There's no way that you are going to run water, have water this big of a pipe out there. You can almost [buzzer sounding] walk through the pipes that they are putting on the ground. They are going to cover all of the ditches up. It's going to be highly flooded, going to be a mess in the next -- [indiscernible] years out, it's going to be like brushy creek when they sued the -- they sued that other water company for having that sewer spill. It was in the paper the other day and everything, finally got it settled. That's probably what it's going to take out there eventually. We don't have a lot of money like brushy creek and everything. But that's what it's going to take. When you have got to haul water out of 150, $200 water bills, then you have to haul water like this here. My puppy, I have to feed all of my dogs with bottled water. Myself and everybody else, my wife's -- I wish that you were there, she's working, all busted up on account of this, just like my face. But -- it gets to the -- it is a disgrace we have to be like that a few miles down the road, nobody wants to do anything for this neighborhood, don't make any sense at all, we are taxpayers, we probably pay more taxes than the rich areas because sticks to the poor class more --
>> you are about a minute over.
>> I can't understand how come it's such a disgrace that we have to live like this here. Thank you very much, mr. Daugherty.
>> we are working on it.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 9, 2003 1:25 PM