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Travis County Commssioners Court
April 1, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 36

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36, approve interlocal agreement number il 0 -- 36. Approve interlocal agreement (no. Il030139lb) between Travis County and the Texas conference of urban counties, inc., To explore the desirability and feasibility of jointly procuring an integrated justice system. This is joe harlow, a project that's been started by the urban counties, in participation of several major counties to -- to try to design and come up with a -- with an integrated justice system that could be shared among all of the -- all of the counties. The first couple of phases of this project is to define the methodologies that are used to transmit data between the agencies and between the state and between the different counties. We already have our justice -- the main advantage that we will be getting is this is a say so in what that technology is that makes these transfer data between the different systems in the different counties. That would have us some input into that so that we don't have to -- to go back to tiburon and have major rewrite, major expense if we have some say so about what that interface is going to look like.
>> they have been asking over at csc what those problems are, this will give us all an opportunity to share what the problems are. What to expect. Actually, to see what the needs of all of the departments are. I have really -- I really have stressed the fact that -- that we need to make sure that people are at the table when you talk about the needs, if you are not there, we are though the going to find out what those needs are and then it could be that -- that the system doesn't fit your needs. And so -- so this is the part, though. Now, all of the counties, I think, are going to participate, but if they find out at some point that it does not meet their needs, then they won't go on to the second phase or third phase. And so --
>> there's no obligation to go on to the next phase.
>> right. For us this will just be this first phase.
>> this first phase, phase 1 and phase 2, phase 1 was the organizational structure, so [inaudible] & associates have been retained by cuc to do the project work, they are getting tuned up. Phase 1, phase 2 is the actual work to define what the interface is going to look like, how they interchange took place.
>> it's also a system that may not meet everyone's needs and the counties know that. So they will go as far as they can, then stop when it doesn't meet their needs anymore.
>> [multiple voices]
>> it's not one side fits all.
>> that's right.
>> and so -- so it will be -- they are going to have to go through the -- through the trial and error process kind of like what we did here.
>> and we had good discussion because this was another one of those fiscal '03 items, joe is going to be taking this out of his discretionary dollars. He said that he would make it fit in terms of the dollars that we already allocated for his tool box. But we talked about that even if we chose -- this does not mean that we have to dump our integrated justice system and move to a new system. We felt that there were good things related to some standardized tables that we could -- and I can't remember -- it's like a four letter thing of -- of some of this information. That there was good information that we were going to need, no matter if that's the only thing that we ever got out of this thing and for us to do a small piece of this initial work and to be at the table related to the writing of the standards, because it's almost like beta versus vhs. You know. Hopefully we are vhs. But you want to make sure that something doesn't come out so contrary to what we are doing that we really would have to -- to think about another system simply so that we could share information with the other large urban counties related to --
>> this gets to be a very significant issue working with the rd and t project. Trying to keep our system in sync, in interface with the new cad system coming up over there is, you know, it's been -- it's been a full-time effort on some of my staff's part. For any -- [inaudible]
>> assuming the approval of this interlocal agreement, highway quickly can we as they say get the check cut and sent to cuc, what does this do related to -- payment.
>> we will process it as soon as we can.
>> because we have another cuc meeting like next week and we hate being singled out as not paying our bill.
>> I think the main thing that they need to know is that it's coming and that -- because they are working on a grant, like three quarter of a million dollar grant for the phase 3 piece of this, so they want to be sure that they had all of the major counties signed up at the time they are preparing for that grant.
>> I move approval of this interlocal agreement.
>> second.
>> I would even say please let's pay really promptly. [laughter]
>> so the [inaudible] financial investment for us to participate?
>> yes, sir.
>> my more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 8, 2003 1:25 PM