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Travis County Commssioners Court
March 18, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 15

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Number 15 is to approve 12-month extension modification 6 to contract number ps 000047 ts with capital idea for workforce development services. Commissioner daugherty I believe had a few questions.
>> you know, I wish that I had the piece that came into my office that gave some sort of a ranking on some sort of a national or maybe it was a state level with regards to workforce because it got my attention. I was a little concerned that it didn't have a signature or anything on it, but it was talking about how Austin ranked near the bottom in comparison. And you may know what I'm talking about, steven. Have you seen any kind of a piece like that that's floated around? I was concerned with the --
>> it's about the workforce commission. It is not about the capital idea effort related to workforce development.
>> oh.
>> it is totally the state and their redo of the Texas employment commission stuff. It's the big -- work source. It's all about work source.
>> that's the reason I was confused because I saw something like that and then I saw that we exceeded. I said, what, did we just not exceed it enough, everybody else exceeded it more? So that's what -- that's the reason I wanted the question?
>> it's about how they were pulling down the monies and spending them.
>> if I see my able bodied assistant --.
>> this modification number 6 will extend the contract for 12 months from October of last year to September '03 of this year.
>> and I guess in reviewing this, though, it appears that capital idea is doing a great job as far as performance is concerned. I want total backup on that, going through the different tiers that they used to place people into employment setting situations. I think it's quite remarkable the goals that they set and then the goals -- and then going beyond the goals that they have set. For the past year, it appears from the backup that they are doing an outstanding job. One question I would like to have, present to you, and that is of the persons that received employment through capital idea's effort, can you tell me what still is significant as far as the numbers, the significant numbers of those persons that received employment, what field of employment that pretty much categorizes this? Are they all like concentrated, like the health field or technology, whatever category as far as employment?
>> I think the major area during the last contract period was surrounding health care.
>> health care?
>> yeah.
>> that's what they had targeted as a need that employers were saying they needed.
>> it continues to be a need.
>> right. It is a great need, but it was a question that was brought up to, I guess, to do if possible, to concentrate into other arenas of employment. And I know I was wondering were the numbers that are reflected here as far as that question -- [ inaudible ] as far as diverse fieg employment opportunities.
>> one positive thing about the design of this program is that there is a real strong tie between the employers and capital idea. And so what they start to do is to target the jobs and job training that are focused on what employers are projecting as a need. That's why in this case health care was one of their focused areas. It should be in the future because that is an area that still is lacking in the number of people that are trained.
>> my final question is that this is a joint effort between Travis County and also the city of Austin for as far as the monies are concerned. Is everything pretty much set forth with the city?
>> yes.
>> everything's ready to go? I'd like to move approval of this particular item.
>> second.
>> did you get your question answered?
>> I think so, but I'm glad y'all brought that to my attention because I was confused with the workforce. I'm fine, thanks.
>> all in favor of the motion? That passes unanimously. Thank you very much.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM