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Travis County Commssioners Court
March 18, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 8

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8. Present recycling awards to employees and departments doing an exemplary job supporting and promoting the county's recycling programs. And charles advised us that this year we have members in four categories, that have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Is charles williams still here if.
>> hiding behind the post. [laughter]
>> linda riff is first. And she's custodial [inaudible] leader for the palm square building and a little bit about her, what she's done for us. Herlinda is a model recycler and sets a great example on the job as witnessed by many co-workers, not only dedicated to doing the best at her job, but goes beyond expectation in reviewing what is being thrown away to see if they can be recycled. She's been seen sorting through the trash removing recyclables and putting them in the proper bins. This included paper, aluminum cans, other recyclables. Her actions motivate others to be more fayetteville in what they throw away. Her consistency and determination to make a difference have definitely been noted, she is deserving of this award and recognition. We have a beautiful certificate for you here. It is even signed by the members of the Travis County commissioners court.
>> thank you.
>> thank you. Congratulations. [ applause ]
>> should I read number 2 or somebody else going to do that? Dallas frager, how you pronounce your last nate?
>> yes.
>> della is the example we all look to when recycling is brought up. Her consistency and determination to make a difference by promoting recycling is commendable. She's an avid recycler and always looking for ways to reuse items around the office. An encyclopedia of perform from papers to thrift stores and knowledge for all of those who work around her. She's passionate about recycling, believes that recycling can be a part of every person's life. Della's efforts and attitude make her worthy of this award and we thank you very, very much for your dedication and hard work and being such an example for the rest of us.
>> thank you. [ applause ]ment.
>> and she is retired, senior volunteer program, volunteer program coordinator.
>> all right.
>> jackie good fellow, information telecommunication systems, customer support service manager is next. Jackie supports and promotes recycling in her office and at every opportunity. She innovatively introduced the southwestern bell online phone book concept and had it installed on the Travis County intranet. This effort will help to reduce the thousands of telephone books we receive and recycle each year to hundreds. So we go from thousands to hundreds, that's a big reduction. Working with the recycling coordinator, plans for -- are being made to drastically reduce the amount of telephone books that we receive to only certain office essential areas. The online phone book is quicker, easier and reduces the production of unnecessary phone books. Dispossessing of over 6,000 telephone books each year had become a tremendous obstacle. This effort will drastically reduce that problem, making this an outstanding effort and for this effort we give you this certificate of appreciation, maybe I should read one, I didn't read the others. It said: has rendered -- they all read the same except the name, right charles?
>> yes, sir.
>> valuable and distinguished service to the citizens of Travis County by providing outsiding service and leadership in the recycling efforts to Travis County and this certificate is issued in recognition thereof, dated this 18th day of March, 2003. Congratulations.
>> finally for the purchasing surface warehouse, Ron dube and dan raleigh. They are here. The Travis County surplus warehouse has taken recycling to another level in 2002 the warehouse staff recycled 72 desks, 85 filing cabinets, 94 tables, 51 bookcases, and 494 office chairs back into Travis County locations. So we took it from the warehouse, sent them back to different office where they are being used rather than warehoused. To purchase these items new, would have cost approximately $255,900, commissioner daugherty, that's a lot of help. If they are unable to recycle an item it goes to a surplus auction that is attended by used furniture vendors in private -- and private parties. This benefits everyone and is still recycling and the money that's received there goes to the Travis County general fund. The purchasing department surplus warehouse is deserving of this recognize and the two individuals that manage the warehouse are ryan dube and daneigh. -- dan raleigh. We have two -- we have one here, the two of you try not to break it. [laughter] [ applause ] [inaudible]
>> next year, let's be real generous and give them two or three of these.
>> they have their own individual that I will give them later, sir.
>> great.
>> I want you to know that I appreciate everything that everybody does to recycle because it means less stuff out at the landfills.
>> and I want to commend them also, because it used to be that the purchasing warehouse was considered to be somehow the repository until somebody forgets about it and it gets dumped. They have done an excellent job of getting this back in the offices, if it's not recyclable it moves along to another life.
>> I went out there the other day, I wanted to know if they cleaned it us because I was going out there. If they didn't that's the cleanest place that I have ever seen.
>> it looks like that all of the time.
>> if it's not, I'm really impressed nice job.
>> thank you all.
>> congratulations to all of you. We thank you very much. We also thanks charles Williamson the director of the county recycling programs.
>> thank you, charles.
>> [inaudible - no mic] helped select the winners, so --
>> thank you, judge.
>> thanks, charles.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM