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Travis County Commssioners Court
March 11, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 17

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17-a., Consider changes to pay determination policies, Travis County code, chapter 10, sections 10.03001 through 10.03013, including criteria related to new higher pay, pay greater than 10% pof mid point; voluntary job change. Lateral transfer and temporary assignment. B., Approve deletions to the pay policies, Travis County code, chapter 10, 10.0875, criteria for approval of salary above mid-point, and 10.095, year 2000 project incentive pay program.
>> good afternoon, I'm alee is a perez, executive manager for administrative operations. We'll try to make this one quick. A couple of weeks ago we came to the court with a final policy on pay determination. The pay determination policy is part of Travis County code 18.087. And it sets out employee compensation or how employees are going to be compensated in Travis County. It includes the court's commitment to [inaudible] salaries, it covers pay adjustment for employees and new hires, and it also includes a pay range structure. The court had asked us to bring back legislative versions which you have in your backup t. Proposed policy represent a streamlining of the policies into one section of the Travis County code so it's hard to follow word by word what the changes have been. If you look at page number 4 in your backup, it is a legal-size document, and that takes you through the changes. And it goes from the personnel actions, what the previous policy was, a brief description of what that is, and then it tells you what the new code number will be, and then a summary of that policy. This policy does cover, as we said, determining pay. It provides for individual departments to be allowed to pay up to 10% above mid-point without coming back to the court. It addresses promotions, voluntary job change, demotions, lateral transfers, and temporary assignments. There is a reference also to the pay determination guide, and that is in page 13 of the policy. And that was what we called the "m" word, and it's the now pay determine nition policy and we can say the whole name.
>> this is going to go down in the folklore of county government history.
>> the pay determine guide is something departments would use to document why they hired or promoted or demoted a particular individual. It's voluntary and it is to be used as a guide as opposed to mandatory. There is one other section that was change understand the policies, and that was at the suggestion of the county auditor, and we saw -- we had really no objections to that. And that is on page 8.
>> page 8?
>> yes, sir. Of the policy. The rate of pay within the assigned pay grade -- thank you. The pay rates within the assigned pay grade is determined by the hiring elected or appointed official with flexibility from minimum to maximum within the budget constraints of the hooiing office. So you do have the constraint of the hiring office and they can go from minimum to maximum and it still keeps all elected and appointed officials within the pay structure. And that is all of the [inaudible]. We would ask for your approval.
>> questions?
>> I'm going to move approval and I just want to say thank you to h.r., The tweaking helped and I appreciate the input you took from the court and others and good work.
>> I second the motion. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> and melissa, that was a and b in their entirety, in terms of whatever -- adds to the code and deletions of the code.
>> right.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM