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Travis County Commssioners Court
February 25, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 6

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Number 6 is to approve budget amendments and transfers.
>> I'm from the planning and budget office. A-1 has to do with the extension of those cscd three slots that the court's action during the last budget process extended those to March 31st. Cscd did not fill some of those slots, and there were savings from that appropriation, and they have requested that those positions be extended through may 31st. Any questions on that?
>> no. Firks did you all look at the proposed agreement?
>> I'm sorry, sir, I'm donna farris. What was the question?
>> I was wondering if they looked at the proposed use of these folks to clean up the data?
>> no. We notified the auditor's office and have been in discussion with them about these individuals, but we haven't been in discussion with mr. Harlow about them. There's no added cost here, sir. And we're just extending the positions for 16 more days. Then we'll have to notify these individuals that they will no longer be with us after that.
>> so I guess -- let me make sure I'm understanding what you're doing here. The original four slots that were made available, there was one slot I guess that wasn't filled?
>> that's correct.
>> all right. And since that one slot was not filled, the continued money that was saved from not filling that slot will be the actual money that will be used for the extension of the time lines that we're talking about this morning. Morning?
>> that's correct. Threet people, we didn't hire them as quickly. So there's additional last salary from that as well. So that's correct.
>> so are there salary savings that would exceed the amount --
>> no, it would not exceed the amount. We have a we bit left in there for overtime. And if we don't use that in the next two months, then we may have a little bit leftover in. He only thing left is the ending fund balance. There's a 23,000-dollar hit on the ending fund balance because obviously these funds would have fallen to a balance. If the positions had been filled as approved by the commissioners court, that money would not have fallen in the fund balance.
>> it is pbo's understanding that the reason this is necessary is since the positions were not filled until a later date than was approved by commissioners court, a lot of the work that the department was needing to do as far as cleaning up the files has not occurred yet, so this would allow them to complete that process.
>> okay. And I guess the next question, I would have to have on that is the actually cleaning up of the file. And I'm trying to make sure that what we're doing here in 6, and even though item 8 has not come up yet, but there may be a direct relationship to ensure that we are on the same page and understand that this is something that's on the financial end of what these persons are doing. However, I think it's still all interrelated as far as cleaning up this database, so I want to make sure we go -- want to make sure we don't go outside of the scope of what we're trying to do here, especially when we get to item 8. So I'm concerned about that. I'm really not getting a clear picture on that that. Because I think in my opinion, I think it's all done to ensure the auditor has her situation figured out, but the cleaning up of the file is still the cleaning up of the records that are out there, which may -- and I say may directly impact what we do with this as far as item 8 is concerned.
>> if I could give you an update on the financial. We in essence turned off the real world on January the 24th and we were pleased to do that. And then for three weeks we were in a conversion process. And at the beginning of last week we went live with a new product. During those three weeks we were converting a lot of the cleaning up some of the old conversion from the humming well and doing some other cleanup. And what I had promised the court was at the end of February, which is fast approaching, that we would have reports available for the auditors as far as the monies that were coming in and out of the probation department. And by the end of March, we would actually have the amended conditions that have been sitting in boxes, some thousands and thousands of them, totaling over 13,000 at this point, cleaned up. And at that point we would be able to come back to the court and tell you exactly how many receivables and outstanding payables there were. And so what i'd like to do is come back perhaps in a week or so, maybe two weeks from now, and give you a report on the ones that are left to clean up. Because then we will have finished February. And I can give you an exact figure on when we will in fact be finished with the amended conditions. Since we have not begun to enter them, it is hard to estimate. And I have projected for some time that it would be the end of March. But as soon as we begin to enter them, which will happen this week, we can give you a real number of when that will be complete. So all the things that you're discussing and thinking about, I should be able to give you all kind of charts and figures on by the end of March.
>> thank you for those comments. Again, I guess -- I'm not being redundant, but again, whatever it is, when I did ask for some of the stuff, I know we talked about the end of February as far as having a lot of things before us. And I know we're not there yet. If we can get to the end of this particular situation with the things that you're asking for this morning as far as this item, a-1, I want to make sure that that does actually happen in March because I think there are some things -- I know you have a lot more stuff than what we've talked about. I have no problem with what we're doing here as far as the left hand and the right hand coming together, but as far as the integrated process as far as ha we're doing. That's my main concern. Okay?
>> thank you.
>> move approval of a-1.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We're really just doing what we knew we'd have to do at some time.
>> that's correct. Number 19 that you approved earlier on consent. This is the funding mechanism that we set up during the '03 budget process to fund that.
>> that's why I move approval.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. On a-3 I do have one question. If we move on the county space that we are considering, and part that have space would be to meet the needs of the county clerk, would we still need to do the electrical upgrades and additional circuit and rest of that? So I guess what impact would that project have on our needs for these?
>> it would still be needed, but i'll let john further discuss that.
>> good morning, sir.
>> good morning.
>> sir, my understanding is that the county clerk needs to start her training using her new system on the 15th of March. So yes, we would need to do these upgrade so she could do her training then.
>> we would be there less than a year if we --
>> that's correct, sir.
>> well, my request is then it may be simply if we take it this up after the executive session discussion. Can we do that? Let's hold off on a-3 until we have our executive session discussions. Now, we did postpone a couple of items until after executive session. And one item was 6, I guess, the third matter. We think we need to do this no matter what we do on the county space item?
>> that's what we've been told, yes.
>> this is a lot of money to use to spend for a year. The county judge simply notes.
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> we spoke with the election and -- and we have to get those equipment ready for March 15th. And the existing building has an deficientty in the electrical capacity, so that's what commissioner -- we need an electrical upgrade, and twoaf do it, judge and commissioners, so we can get the county clerk on it. And there is a minimum involved, ips upgrade, and very, very minimal work. [ inaudible ] so really as you could see, the dollar amount for this is good.
>> is there a motion?
>> move.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? This is ab under item number 6. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM