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Travis County Commssioners Court
February 25, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 1

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Let's go back to item number one. That is to approve resolution recognizing the contributions of josie z. Zavala on the indication of her retirement from Travis County. If josie will come forward along with two of her previous supervisors who have come down today, former judge hill and former judge renfro. They're a little bit more shy than they were when they were members of the commissioners court. It reads, whereas thowz of years ago when mankind first used the primitive tools and language, one of our an successter's first questions was is it too late to get this on the commissioners court agenda? [ laughter ] whereas for almost that long, josie z. Zavala has been the gate keeper, den mother, clearinghouse, advisor and counselor to anyone who wanted the Travis County commissioners court to take action. Whereas, josie is a native Austinite and attended st. Mary's academy for two years before graduating from johnston high school in 1969 at a very, very, very tender young age -- that's not in the resolution. Whereas josie has been a Travis County employee since 1972 when she began her career as a clerk with the adult probation department. In 1977 she transferred to the central office to become a secretary to the drerkt of volunteer program services division. Whereas in September of 1980, josie accepted a position as disre in the office of county judge and for the past 22 years has served with three successive county judges, namely judge mike renfro, judge bill aleshire and judge Sam Biscoe. Josie always liked the last one best. [ laughter ] and we are amazed at how -- how she let these three county judges think they were the ones in charge of the office. Whereas her duties and responsibilities as one of the county judge's assistants included her thorough and meticulous management of the weekly agenda which has guided the court's deliberations for well over 34,000 individual agenda items, whereas josie is well-known and appreciated by many county staff for her hard work and professionalism, and is now retiring effective February 28th, 2003 to spend time with her new granddaughter, family and friends. Whereas today's meeting meeting is the last one for which josie prepared the agenda document, so you may want to keep this one as a souvenir. And whereas it is appropriate that we take this opportunity to express our appreciation and gratitude to josie for 30 years of outstanding professional service to the residents of Travis County. Now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County commissioners court proclaims Thursday, February 27th, 2003, josie z. Zavala appreciation day in Travis County and do here by extend a special thanks to josie z. Zavala for her many years of dedicated service to Travis County and extend best wishes to her in all future endeavors. Be it fufertd resolved that all county employees are especially cowrjd to visit these chambers at two eeoc in the afternoon on Thursday -- 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon on Thursday to offer personal greetings to josie and to thank her for 30 years of service to the people of Travis County and to wish her well. And I'm sure that whoever planned this ceremony celebration tomorrow wants the county employees to spend their full 15 or 20 minutes afternoon break in their celebrating with you. Move approval.
>> second. [ laughter ]
>> thank you so much.
>> let the judges go first and you go last. That way if you need to get back at anybody, you will have an opportunity. [ laughter ]
>> josie is a wonderful person, took care of the agenda during those beginning years, and have done a wonderful job. And I know she feels very strongly about her position and all the good folks that she's worked with at Travis County. And I was just lucky to find her and I'm so fwlad that she's been able to endure for all these years.
>> thank you.
>> may it please the court, judge, members of the commissioners court, it's good to see each of you. I'm really lucky that mike renfro had the good judgment to have josie sitting there waiting for me when I took office. She was solid from day one and is solid to this day. I can say this sincerely and with total conviction, her work ethic is a role model for what we should want from and be grateful for with public servants. She worked hearder than she was ever asked to work. Never bragged or brought attention to herself, though she deserved it far more than she's ever received, and thank goodness for today where we can give her some additional recognition. She was the solid part of each meeting of the commissioners court, and I know that there have been people for few decades wondering where that solid part was for our meetings, but she -- as mike said, she was a delight to work with, a wonderful person that the people of this county can look to josie zavala as an example of the dedicated and hard work, not always as appreciated as it ought to be of people in service here in Travis County. And I'm really proud of her and I hope you have a whole lot of fun. I yant faj inwhat you're -- can't imagine what you will do with your Tuesday mornings now.
>> tune to channel 17. [ laughter ]
>> judge mike renfro, who spoke first, with the blue suit on, dark suit, and the other judge, bill aleshire. And josie has not told me this, but I know she's not going to work for judge aleshire at that private law firm. [ laughter ] the other thing is josie's leaving has nothing to do with ken oden's decision to retire this Friday. Right, josie?
>> that's right. [ laughter ] and we have a beautiful souvenir agenda for josie. Which I would hand to you in just a moment. So when she gets tired of holding her grandchild, she can pull this out and kind of look at it. It has today's agenda on it. She'll have fond memories of us probably on Tuesday, not the rest of the week maybe. In addition to this, my staff did give me a 30-year Travis County pin which we can give josie today, not bank on her coming back down when we have our annual recognition date for the employees. So we'll give you this before you leave. And the judges have another beautiful gift for you. By the way, no county money was used on their gift. [ laughter ]
>> thank you. [ applause ]
>> I'm really, really honored. And if it weren't for the weather my family would have been here. I want to thank commissioner Gomez, commissioner daugherty, judge Biscoe, Karen and commissioner Davis. It's been 30 wonderful years here at the county. I know sometimes it wasn't all that great, but -- [ laughter ] I'm real honored to see judge renfro, judge aleshire here. And I'm not one for mincing any words, but I'm a littlener approximate vows. Y'all are all wonderful people to work with. I love this place, I truly do. Though sometimes i'll explain complain about something, but I really, really do. This has been my other family for all these years. And all the wonderful people we work with. Oh, gosh. All the departments i've dealt with over the years, gotten along with everyone, tried to do my best. My co-workers now, cheryl, brenda, dan smith, who had a lot to do with this, thank you, dan, my friend at the county attorney's office, tnr, joe gieselman and his staff, alicia perez, her staff, so many wonderful people. And I know I'm going to miss it, I know I am. They tell me not for too long, but I know I'm going to miss it. Thank you so, so much. I'm really honored. [ applause ]
>> speaking of alicia perez?
>> judge, I wanted to have the opportunity also to thank josie. On behalf of the executive managers and at least one executive manager that would come up and say josie, would you see if the judge is okay with putting this item on? And she was always, always a trouper. She's a worpdful person, always very stable and calm, just a joy to work with. Really our staff loves josie. We're going to miss her very much, we're going to miss, again, her -- always being cheerful and willing to go into the judge's office, even though nobody else wants to, but josie will. [ laughter ] but josie, we're really going to miss you. We love you. You've been a very, very good employee, a good comrade and center sister. Thank you.
>> thank you for all the kind words. Thanks everybody.
>> and josie has three dozens of beautiful red, yellowd this is pink, I guess, right? This is not the hint that you should start a little rose stand on your own. And I always wonder what people did with a dozen roses. I certainly want you to tell me later what you have done with three dozen.
>> judge, if I could take the opportunity, I met josie 17 years ago when I was just brand new to the county beat. And I guess a lot of people think that somehow this meeting just magically happens and all the backup is there. And I just want to say thank you, not only as a Travis County commissioner, but for all those years that I told as a television news reporter of being able to go to the county judge's office and try to get the backup for these public meetings. And you helped me learn the ropes and you helped teach me about county government. And when I arrived here in 1995 as the new kid on the block, I can't tell you how much you assisted our office in terms of learning the mechanics of this job. And it's just the kind of thing I never felt embarrassed that I couldn't just walk down to your office and say how do I do sh th? What do I turn? I would like to thank you for all the courtesies you've shown me throughout my two years and to our office because you have been a wonder, wonderful public servant in every sense of the word.
>> and she's a very good friend from the courthouse and in community. We'll miss you.
>> thank you.
>> speaking of friend, I'll make sure you get your last check on time. [ laughter ] that those retirement checks start coming in, as they should.
>> josie, thank you a lot for everything. You've been a big help to my office and my staff really appreciates you and myself also. You've been really a big asset to Travis County. I'm going to miss you. But anyway, good luck to you.
>> thank you.
>> josie, I would like to make sure that you're not leaving just because I got elected. [ laughter ] i've only been here three months. I'm making people leave! But I understand that you have been a wonderful asset to this community and somebody doesn't stay around for 30 years without being appreciated. Sometimes they don't say it, but I'm sure i'll realize faster than anyone that you're not there. So good luck with whatever you're going to do with the rest of your life.
>> I think you will need some help taking this back to the office. And yes, taxpayers, josie will be working the rest of the week. [ laughter ] [ applause ] all in favor? It passes by unanimous vote.
>> get a picture.
>> can we get a picture with court?

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM