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Travis County Commssioners Court
February 11, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. Alex jones signed in. We did not put out the citizens communication forms this morning. I'm sure my staff will have compelling reasons for not doing that. Anybody who wishes to address the court under citizens communication on any item not on the agenda, in addition to mr. Jones, please come forward. We can take twlee seated at one -- three seated at one time. Good morning.
>> hello, court.
>> good morning.
>> I brought you a resolution similar to other resolution that's have been passed now by hundreds and hundreds of cities. There have been thousands of news articles around the country in mainstream publications about this, most of them positive. Just any search on a search engine for cities reject or counties reject patriot act, states reject patriot act, will pull these up for you. But I have mailed some information, some of you did not get that. So I hand delivered for you today the washington times conservative saying it's horrible, headline police state. Being [inaudible] of congress. The new york times with liberal and conservative columnists saying it's horrible. This one is seizing dictatorial power. This one is -- defined by the director on my radio show yesterday as something out of nazi, germany information is a main stream organization. There is scaring people. Now a second patriot act that they were trying to keep secret. They are in a lot of trouble over this. In fact it looks like that it violated some rules of the house. We need to pass a resolution. I beg the court to investigate the first patriot act and to reject it. Because it totally usurps the power of the county and elected officials that serve and represent the people of Travis County. So please just do a cursory investigation of the patriot act. It is -- it is something out of nazi germany and the soviet union. It allows for grabbing citizens, not even ever telling anyone that they were grabbed, taking them off to a military detention camp. It's insane. It gets rid of the fourth and fifth amendment. And the scholars, the aclu, the [inaudible] on the right has looked at it said it's up to the cities, counties, state to reject this, repudiate what is happening, just like in the civil rights movement where a lot of counties rejected the separate by equal racist activities, just like what we have seen throughout our society many times. It takes people at the local level saying now f. You do not reputate and reject this patriot act you are supporting it, aiding and abetting it. Even if you are ignorant of the facts. I don't think you guys are stupid. You have been in government a while. Many of you are lawyers, I know that you are very busy. This is your chance to investigate the patriot act and if you love the bill of rights and constitution and want to support the rights that our veterans have fought and died for, I would hope that you would pass a resolution, at least repudiating some of the subsections, I believe that you are good public servants, good elected officials here in Travis County, I would hope that you would do the right thing. Please pass a resolution rejecting this in the next few weeks. If you need any additional information I can get it to you, a simple search on a google search engine, cities reject patriot act, you will find where cities and states are now rejecting it. Please investigate this. This is your responsibility, I pray that you will respond in kind to this and defend the bill of rights and constitution, thank you very much.
>> thank you.
>> thank you.
>> anybody else here to address the court on any matter not on the agenda? Mr. Hanson.
>> good morning, there numbers of slips outs here, I guess it's all right just to come up? Hello, I'm mike man son, I haven't -- hanson, I haven't talked to you all since last year. I was busy paying off campaign debt. I want to thank everybody for that. The reason why I'm here this morning is first of all I'm -- I want to support alex and his resolution, because I have received many, many, many dozens and dozens of calls in my office wanting to know the status on this resolution and of course I don't know it. But I did bring you all something because I think you all's duty as elected officials primary -- the main reason I came today is to give you a copy of the bill of rights, but I think your job is -- is to protect the individual liberty of the people of Travis County. I think that is your main job. So I want to make sure that -- that you have a copy of the bill of rights, the constitution, and other things at your side at all times because I carry this everywhere I go. So that's the main reason that I'm -- I came down here today, other than to support alex and his resolution to give you a copy of the citizens rule book. If anybody is out there that would like a copy of this, because I think this is a great item to have to carry around with you, all that you have to do is go to reality [inaudible].com, go to link over to reality. Or you can go to and link over. The main reason I came down here is to give you a copy of this, god bless you all, thanks for letting us talk.
>> thank you.
>> if I can adjust one quick thing, I have been here three times, forget every time. You can get a copy of the resolution to get us out from the patriot act or many documents mainstream reports or a copy of the patriot act itself at, thank you.
>> thank you.
>> anybody else for citizens communication?

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM