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Travis County Commssioners Court
February 11, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 3

View captioned video.

3. Introduction of sarah eckhardt and tim labadie to -- to commissioners court. Good morning, judge, commissioners, as always I am delighted and proud to be able to introduce to you, you lawyers who will represent you and the other elected officials of Travis County in our office. In this case for reasons that I'm at a loss to explain, these two lawyers are not actually all that new to their positions, both of them have been here several months, but neither of them have been formally introduced to the court. So we want to do that this morning.
>> we thought they successfully completed the 90-day trial period [laughter]
>> actually, with ken, last time I checked the trial period was in excess of 21 years, at least that's what he told me. So to my left is sarah eckhardt, sarah actually comes to the enforcement division of our office from the criminal division of our office. She's been with our office for some time. But she was practicing in the criminal division, where she worked obtaining protective orders and prior to that worked in the criminal courts prosecuting misdemeanors. Before that, however, in a prior incarnation, she worked as a professional actress on the east coast, and lest you think that sarah I aversus to hard work, she was -- averse to hard works she was the opener and manager of a restaurant in new york city before she decided to move into the legal profession. In the legal profession she has been a paralegal, a law clerk and practiced in our office for a number of years in our criminal division. She now has moved to the enforcement division to do civil litigation practice there. And is one of those lawyers there who is going great guns at increasing our bond forfeiture collection and having at least some substantial impact on our budget crisis this year. So we are proud to have sarah working on the civil side of the office now. To my right is tim labadie, tim has been with our office for several months, but he came to us from private practice. He had his own private practice for several years and prior to that he practiced for a number of years with longly and maxwell. He is an author and editor of a number of legal treatises, I wanted to run down them briefly. He is or has been -- is a contributing editor to general practice digest to the state bar; he's managing -- has been managing editor of the Texas consumer law reporter; he has co-authored the annual service of insurance law, the smu law review, and Texas law deceptive trade practices and anti-trust, with the smu law review. He has extensive experience with a number of plaintiff-oriented legal issues, such as consumer protection, insurance law, all things which are directly related to the enforcement practice which we practiced for you when we enforced the regulations of Travis County and when we enforce the state laws with regard to the environment. So tim comes to us with tremendous credentials for that function, which he's now performing and I'm proud to introduce both of them to the court.
>> welcome.
>> welcome. Welcome to both of you.
>> thank you.
>> any comments?
>> I told them both they were not allowed to ask for a pay raise yet.
>> good to meet you.
>> welcome aboard.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM