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Travis County Commssioners Court
February 4, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 14

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Number 14 a is to discuss executive manager of justice and public safety job vacancy, recruitment, interview and selection process and timetable and take appropriate action. B is to authorize human resources department and coordinate travel and lodging logistics with four finalists recommended by court appointed interview and selection committee. We did authorize that they be notified and scheduled to come in next Monday afternoon.
>> yes. And those arrangements haveeen made, the travel arrangements. Because of the distance involved with a couple of the applicants, they will come in on Sunday, with an understanding that they will be picking up that extra expense for the hotel accommodation for that extra night. There were a total of eight candidates that went to the final interviews with the committee, and of that total eight there were four finalists that were selected and recommended by the committee for the court to interview. The date that's been scheduled for that, as the judge indicated, is on Tuesday, February the 11th. I think we've cirmd with each of our offices that you will be available for the afternoon for those interviews.
>> Tuesday afternoon?
>> Tuesday afternoon on the hour beginning at one p.m., As I understand it.
>> which was my idea.
>> when was the judges.
>> I'm assuming they would take an hour apiece, which would have us ending the session around five. I feel that if we the start the first one at 1:30, we would go late to the evening.
>> I was going to say, this is not in any way -- you're not using it as the barometer -- what you just got?
>> I hope not.
>> each candidate indicated that because they will be coming in on Sunday that if there's any activity that we would want to engage them in on Monday, they would very much be available to do that. If that's meeting with the candidates individually or visiting the department, meekt with staff, they're totally flexible in terms of what we would want to have them do. I vpb have an e-mail that's about to go out to members of the committee as well as the court to solicit suggestions in terms of how we might finalize their itinerary for the period of time that they're here.
>> shouldn't we have a bit of a walk around in terms of people seeing the physical layout of basically the downtown campus in terms of some of the departments that this person would be interacting with, the criminal justice system?
>> that might be appropriate, a quick and dir di walk-through -- dirty walk-through.
>> doesn't bother me. Do we have an appropriate tour guide?
>> we're arranging all of that. Any volunteers out there? We're arranging that.
>> given that at least one of us may have a desire to look at someone else in addition to these four is that -- since that's not posted, would that just have to be for -- in the event that you would want to do that, we would just have to do that like next week, or is this sort of etched in stone that this is all that we can interview?
>> well, these flow from the process. In my view if the majority of the court wants to see somebody else, look at somebody else, we have that right. And a lot of times that depend on what impressions we're left with after looking at these four, I think. So in my view whatever the majority wants to do.
>> [ inaudible ]
>> now, I'm assuming that if we take these four and we reduce the four down to one or two, then we have not checked out references yet, have we?
>> no.
>> we would want to check out the references, do some other due diligence before making an offer. That would take a few days. But what the starflight situation has told me is that on some of these programs we need to -- somebody needs to monitor on a regular basis, and we did not plan for this to be vacant this long. So whatever we plan to do, i'd say let's do it next week.
>> well, are we going to have -- I know we looked at this as far as your discussion, but are we going to basically have -- I know you said the schedule already for next week, but the solid waste ordinance and things like that, is that going to be in the morning time?
>> I wouldn't recommend that.
>> because I think it will take a couple of hours for that item. A lot depends on what we do --
>> we told them we would be back in weeks on the 11 the.
>> I was asked for two weeks, but the same people who asked for two weeks were down here this morning on the other item.
>> so we're going to postpone that again?
>> that would be my recommendation to the court.
>> well --
>> that would be okay with me.
>> the other thing is that there are four items on here. Before starflight came up, in my mind I had a substantial outline of one of those subparts. And I think the court needs to see something before it comes to court because what I think we ought to do is give directions on some of this. The most important thing is what do we do about the orders? I think that drives some of the other stuff. On the ordinances, even if we take no action, no harm is done. On the orders I think we ought to do whatever closure we can on whether they can be resolved. Now, I don't know where the whole court is, but it seems to me that for us to take positive steps will require and investment of resources of some sort. So my recommendation would be if we had three hours that morning, the landfill items should not be on the agenda.
>> I guess we'll have to notify the folks. Everybody we notified it was on the 11th. So we'll have to change it again. The reason I'm bringing that point up is because if things are going to continue to roll now, I will have to be out on the 17th through the 20th for continuing education. I'm trying to fit -- I was trying to fit everything in before that, and this came up, even with the cscd stuff. Anyway, there's nothing we can do about that.
>> commissioner, you're not going to be here on the 17th?
>> no.
>> I understand.
>> [ inaudible ] I'm just trying to bring some of this to closure.
>> a lot of different things have come up for us and we have to deal with them as they come up.
>> there's only so much time on the agenda and there's no way we can get the landfill stuff done.
>> we will have to notify them. I definitely want to be here on some of this stuff here.
>> I appreciate it.
>> now, on 14 a and b, what is this?
>> actually, just to confirm that the 11th is date, which I think you've already done, and arrange a -- so there's no further action needed for this morning.
>> if you will get my office the names and times, we will put those in the agenda.
>> okay.
>> and if there is like a mini tour of the departments covered by this position, would you do all four candidates at one time?
>> yes, absolutely.
>> so if y'all would coordinate that, i'd appreciate it. Right? Any objection to that?
>> thank you very much.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM