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Travis County Commssioners Court
January 14, 2003

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item A2

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Now, there was another added item that we have not discussed, right? And that is number a 2, consider alternative fund sources for community supervision and corrections department lease space and take appropriate action. This is about money. During the budget process, we decided that we would agendize any efforts to take money from the allocated reserve rather than treat it as a simple budget amendment and transfer and that's why we have a and b in the alternative a is to transfer from allocated reserve. B is internal transfer from facilities management utilities budget, with subsequent replacement of funds from allocated reserves if necessary in fy '03. What b is all about is there's some merit to delaying any action against the allocated reserve. The one source that we identified was the utilities line item for facilities, but facilities had the -- has assured me unless there is a bonanza somewhere before the year is out, the -- we are talking about $50,000, aren't we?
>> yes, sir. This morning I was informed more like 52, about $52,000 and that would come from our utility fund, as I expressed to you, judge, when we volunteered the fund is that our utility costs are volatile. Literally depending on the weather. Costs are natural gas. So if you took the money we are okay for now, but we may need to come back and if we could maintain the same level next year, that would be a good thing.
>> the b there would simply enable us to delay hitting the allocated reserve a few more months, probably several months. But in all likelihood we will need to take the 52,000 from allocated reserve to somewhere else and replenish the --
>> right.
>> -- utilities line item.
>> and I appreciate it.
>> I want to highlight or somewhere else because we do have another contract that will bring in money that can be certified through an interlocal related to elections and so there is always another source out there. But I think the biggest thing alicia wants is something put in the record, melissa, so that basically acknowledges that the dollar amount in utility line item was where we originally started at and not with this scooping out of the money there so they, you know, as we go through the budget process that this is not a reduction in the utility budget.
>> right, just borrowing.
>> it's just a -- it's a borrowing for the moment because we think we have right sized it to begin with.
>> uh-huh.
>> it's not going to affect the target budget --
>> exactly. We just wants to make sure that there is recognition of that.
>> what is the reason for this money? I mean, looking at the backup, I understand all of that. But publicly, why are we leaving the -- needing the $52,000?
>> we need the money to move individuals that are part of our probation department into other facilities because of air quality issues.
>> because of air quality issues, this is the reason.
>> right.
>> for that.
>> yes, sir.
>> is because of air quality which is for public safety and health concerns for the employees of the probation department; is that correct?
>> yes, sir.
>> $52,000.
>> yes, sir.
>> revised backup that you have just distributed, your total of 59,000, whereas the original backup was -- [multiple voices]
>> 46 on the backup that I have.
>> revised backup that was just handed out --
>> yes. It just increases that first line item. I think -- I believe it was 36,300 to 45,700. That's --
>> okay. So they are moving from what location to what location?
>> they will be moving from a location at riverside, I don't have that exact address, to a -- to a south park location. That is pending approval of the transfer and the lease by the court and that's to -- to the particulars of the lease, we have got it scheduled for executive session.
>> stays in the same area really, which is east of i-35.
>> second commissioner Gomez's motion.
>> put the money in place in the event that we approve 26 a and b.
>> yes, sir.
>> that's what --
>> that's correct.
>> that's what they would do.
>> with the strategy of using the utility line item, recognizing that does not impact their target budget.
>> so the motion is to approve a 2 b.
>> correct.
>> any more discussion?
>> as far as the source of funding is concerned, we are looking at a, which is the allocated reserve --
>> no.
>> we are looking at b --
>> a 2 b.
>> a and b. But also I heard that it may be some other possibilities of revenues coming in, so are those sources going to be looked at, also.
>> yes, sir, at a later time when the contract and the -- [inaudible] is completed.
>> also pb will be working on other sorts of other kind of savings with end of year projections as we proceed through the year in the summer.
>> in b we said allocated reserves if necessary. So if we identified other sources then we use the other sources first, is the implication.
>> right.
>> so I'm kind of concerned about the allocated reserve phase of it.
>> okay.
>> but, again, because I think we had said that we would not [inaudible] the allocated reserve.
>> right.
>> that kind of bothered me a little bit that we are.
>> no, we are not, not with b.
>> well, what I want to know is what we go -- what motion did you --
>> a 2 b.
>> internal transfers.
>> a 2 b, not a 2 a.
>> all right. Okay. Then again looking for the source of funding. Oakie doke. That's any final question, except for the fact that I would support this motion because of the fact that it does deal with safety health issues of residents -- well, of Travis County employees which are residents, I guess, of Travis County, wherever else, but my support is consistent and my vote as far a health and safety concerns throughout the county. So I would support this motion.
>> thank you.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM