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Travis County Commssioners Court
December 31, 2002

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Citizens Communication

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Now it's time for citizens communication. And gus pena has signed in and one other.
>> good morning, judge and commissioners, gus pena, president of concerned hispanics. And to my right is my son who is on school vacation. I'm glad to have him with me and he's glad to be here with me and see you again. Say hello.
>> hello.
>> number one, I want to thank you very much for voting for the social service contracts. I was not able to make the meeting, but there are a lot of people out there who are needy and in need of help and irregardless if they're not here today or whatever, but they really appreciate you voting on that issue. I know the funding is going to be very tough and it's going to get tougher next year. We know that already. We're dealing with the city council also. I want to thank y'all very much. It's reflective about how you feel and your duties to the public and I feel very good about it and I appreciate calling y'all friends, each and every one of y'all. I was at the emergency room, at the brackenridge hospital Saturday, and they had patients outside of the emergency room, so we know that there is a health care crisis, and I know there are proposals to build two different hospitals, one in the hospital district with the city of Austin and one that seton has proposed that we found out actually through -- because of the newspaper, american-statesman. If it had not been for them, we would not have found out that seton was proposing to build a hospital. I'm hoping when that hospital is built it does not take services away from brackenridge and its commitment and seton's commitment to ensure and assure health care services to the poor, the indigent and the needy, those that are not able to pay. We also remain cognizant of the fact that there is a nursing shortage, so I'm hoping that throughout the dialogue with the brackenridge oversight committee and other committees that this issue is a top priority in the discussions about having nurses to be able to staff the new hospitals and brackenridge hospital and all the hospitals here in the region. I have asked the city council to start the budget dialogue early with us. We know it's going to be a tough decision next year. There are going to be some hits and some cuts, but I'm asking you to also start the dialogue early so we in the community can prepare for that. I know the city manager has agreed to start some dialogue early on, but again, we the public come forth and make our presentations and our recommendations to y'all, but I ask god and pry prey to him that he gave you strength, courage and wisdom to make the appropriate decisions so nobody is hurt. I know we're going to have cuts. We're in the tough economic situation. We know that. He knows it too. We're facing it now. But I believe strongly we have some good leaders on this day in this commissioners court and we highly respect y'all. The last item that I have, judge, is eligibility. I'm still having problems with eligibility. A lot of the employees need to interpret eligibility criteria as set forth by federal and/or state statutes and not by how the employee erroneously interrupt interprets them. We have individuals that are being turned away again and they come to me and call me because they see me dealing with these health issues and they say we are eligible. We are eligible in turning away qualified individuals that qualify for map or other services. Anyway, we americans are fast facing some tough times. We're on the brink of war. As a combat veteran I don't wish it on anybody. I don't wish it on our children because it's going to be devastating for your youth. And also we're on the brink of a possible nuclear war with north korea and other concerns that are dealing with arsenals of nuclear capabilities. I ask you all to say your prayers because we need them. This is a tough time. Gas prices are going up. Everything is going up. We need to set priorities for our children and our taxpayers and our seniors. And again, I want to wish y'all a happy new new year. And I really do honestly pray for all of y'all and everybody for the strength, courage and wisdom to make the appropriate decisions because here's where it starts and here's where it ends. And whatever happens here will have an adverse effect in the community or a positive effect in the community. And y'all have been doing a very good job. And I appreciate y'all, friends of mine, and god bless you and happy new year to you all. And good to March, as we used to say in the marine corps.
>> thank you.
>> anybody else for citizens communication, whether you signed in or not? The consent items are next.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM