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Travis County Commssioners Court
December 17, 2002

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 5

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5. Approve a proclamation honoring judge scott Davis for his 14 years of service to Travis County.
>> is judge Davis here? He is. He's got a big smile on his face.
>> I wondered why he's smiling.
>> [inaudible - no mic]
>> is he here with others?
>> no, they are homesick actually.
>> we will read a proclamation for you, unless -- it reads whereas the honorable judge scott Davis was elected to serve Travis County residents in 1988 fill an unexpired term as justice of the peace in precinct 3, during his 14 years in office judge Davis has served Travis County with dedication, wisdom, grace, and an appropriate portion of wit, sometimes a whole lot, sometimes just a little, whereas judge Davis has demonstrated that a career is a lot like a game of tennis, those who serve well usually end up winning. Travis County has greatly benefited from his outstanding service and we gladly express our deep appreciation and gratitude. Whereas judge Davis has demonstrated unselfish commitment to civic service and community involvement, has been actively involved in numerous organizations including south Austin civic club, oak hill business and professional association, Texas justice of the peace and the constable association, Travis County underage drinking task force and the southwest Austin ymca board of directors, this list could be much, much longer, whereas judge Davis is not actually retiring, he is leaving office to explore other career options. Our love and admiration for judge Davis. We are -- reminds us of the old adage which we have always endeavored to follow, when a man's work speaks for itself, don't interrupt. [ laughter ] we did pretty good. And whereas whatever his future aspirations may be, he will always remain a true advocate for the need and rights of all Travis County residents. Therefore be it resolved that we the members of the Travis County commissioners court do hereby extend special thanks and best wishes to judge scott Davis for his many years of dedicated service. I move approval.
>> second.
>> judge?
>> do I get to comment?
>> [ laughter ]
>> yes. You certainly do. I remember the first time I heard of judge Davis, he and judge aleshire were fighting, the former judge aleshire. Judge aleshire was saying judge Davis is not a lawyer, he should not become j.p. I remember thinking why doesn't judge Davis, scott Davis, tell judge aleshire to become a lawyer. [ laughter ] judge Davis must have done that. Ortly thereafter judge aleshire quit his judgeship, twoap law school and is now practicing law here in Travis County. And when judge aleshire left, another lawyer named Sam Biscoe was able to become county judge. He just made good things happen all over town. [ laughter ]
>> I first met judge Davis when I was in the television news end of things. And long before we had these very formal programs called asap to deal with anti-truancy efforts, judge Davis was on the forefront related to trying to figure out very creative ways to get kids back in school. He literally would have a kid in his courtroom, in a -- very frustrated parent, with a basically what would it take to get you back in school? Sometimes it was a baseball mitt, you know, he cut his own deal was these kids of fine, I will get you a baseball mitt if you stay in school. And I just -- I was always impressed by how he basically took the law and was very creative with its administration. He got the results long before we invented these programs to try to formally get kids back in school and offer some assistance to their parents. I would just like to say thank you, I think that you are still going to be in the wedding business, I'm giving you a little plug here, so folks can still look to judge Davis to get hitched.
>> thank for you your service to Travis County.
>> thank you, judge, thank you for your service.
>> can I say a word before you take the mic.
>> no, I'm not going to let you talk. [ laughter ]
>> you and I haven't known each other that long, but the time that we have known each other, a lot of times there's partisan politics in this community, imagine that. I think that I have always accused you of being a closet republican. [ laughter ] and -- but I will say this. I mean, all of the dealings that i've had with judge Davis, if everybody felt the same way that judge Davis does -- did, does, about solving problems and issues, I know that you have worked tremendously with the incoming j.p. And she's got some tough shoes to follow because you have done -- you have done a wonderful job out there. I have always enjoyed working with you. Good luck with what you do.
>> thank you. I think that I'm going to leave now. [ laughter ]
>> after all of these fine words. Who are you all talking about? [ laughter ] no, it's been a -- it's been a privilege and an honor to serve the citizens of trav county. The citizens of precinct 3. The help that I have gotten from y'all when we needed things have been tremendous, helping me do my job. All of the other employees of Travis County that have helped us, different agencies, the county attorney's office, not being a lawyer, I had to rely on them quite a bit in the beginning. I do have big shoes, but they will be easy to fill. Judge goodman will do a fine job. Anything that I can do to help her or anybody else, that's what it's all about is helping each other. And you all helped us do that. I want to thank you all and thank you for those kind words.
>> okay.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM