Travis County Commssioners Court
November 19, 2002
The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.
Item 14
I just have a real brief question on 14.
>> all right. Let's call 14 up. It is approve contract award
for sheriff uniforms, i.f.b. Number b-020178-ld to miller uniforms eye just
wanted to know where there was a significant increase, over 100% increase
for the purchase of these uniforms from -- from last time they were -- from
the last 12 months, 145,251 compared to a significant increase of 360 some
odd thousand dollars, which is way over 100% increase. I'm just trying to
determine why was that significant increase as far as this particular purchase
is concerned.
>> okay, I understand your question, commissioner. When we
put these, what we call term contracts out for bid, we give an estimated quantity
that we might purchase during the year. Last year on this contract we spent
$145,000, although we had estimated that we would spend about 350. Because
of budget constraints this past year, the sheriff's office did not purchase
as many uniforms as they thought they would need because of the budget issue.
So this contract is an estimated -- is an estimated quantity contracts which
means they can purchase -- it's not a set amount ubgs throughout the year
if new officers come in, they can order what they need. So it's not -- it's
a little bit deceiving. We did not -- we only spent 145,000, although we thought
it might be twice that amount because of budget constraints, we did not spend
that much.
>> I guess I'm rather kwerpbd the new staffing and stuff
like that.
>> correct. It depends on how many new deputies they have,
what their budget will allow them to purchase through the year.
>> I just wondered because it is a little deceiving if you
just look at the numbers.
>> what's the difference in the per-unit cost?
>> there's a slight increase. It was not much. We only had
one bidder who was miller uniform who has been our provider for several years.
>> but we always go out for bid. They just win it.
>> correct.
>> move approval.
>> second.
>> any more discussions? All in favor? That passes by unanimous
Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM