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Travis County Commssioners Court
November 12, 2002

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. One of our members is with us for the last time today. Commissioners Margaret Moore. She has didn't an outstanding job of surveying the people of Travis County, so we certainly want to thank her to express our appreciation. Maybe in -- maybe soon something a little bit more appropriate. And -- and -- than this. But we have enjoyed working with her again. Been on the court twice, that may set some sort of record. Maybe a third opportunity will become available.
>> well, judge, it's been a great year. I have enjoyed every minute, I can't thank you enough for appointing me, giving me this chance. I loved -- I loved being back in the county family again. I so appreciate the work that folks do here. And I think if the taxpayers half understood the efforts that are made by county staff, by this court, they would be really proud. It's -- it's a great operation. And -- and I'm sorry that I won't be sticking around a little bit longer, but I'm glad I did it. I really am glad. It was a sad night Tuesday. I -- I really had hoped that I would be here for a little bit longer, but at the saddest moment, judge, it occurred to me that I don't have to do the landfill ordinance. [ laughter ] [multiple voices]
>> you must have read my mind. [ laughter ]
>> but it's been such a privilege to be here among you, I can't tell you, so thank you.
>> thank you. [ applause ]
>> on a very positive note, you are going to be a loss to the court and -- and you indeed have always demonstrated to be a very, very hard worker. And you get involved, really your sleeves up and get after it. And of course you are going to be sorely missed. I would just like to let you know that. I really appreciate you working with us, working with me and the entire court, the county, all of the other things that you have done and -- thank you so very much for the service.
>> > appreciate hearing that.
>> I think if I start talking about the loss, you and I are going to start crying, we sore that we would not do this. I'm going to focus on the gains in terms of what you did. In terms of the time that you were here. There was -- there's a reason I brought down the star flight mug. The lasting legacy that Margaret Moore has always made to Travis County will be a contribution that she made in terms of us getting county-wide ems. That is something that will make a difference in terms of the lives saved in this community and it's not something to be forgotten. So I would just like to say -- you have been a wonderful comrade, friends, I wanted to say thank to you your family, not only did they do this once, they went through this twice in terms of the amount of time this took away from the kids growing up, football games, et cetera. And yes, you don't get the landfill ordinance, but I beg you would you please go to citizens communication in Williamson county. Just once, just once in Williamson county. Every single week talk about all sorts of stuff.
>> to your heart's content.
>> I guess the best part for me is you are not going too far. You will be in Travis County and -- and we have some -- some move friends and I am sure we will stay in touch with and it's been great. Third time is a charm.
>> that's my job to try to squeeze another day of work out of you, so here we go [ laughter ]
>> no problem. Citizens communication is next. To give residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda. Mr. Schnieder. Kenneth snyder.
>> my name is kenneth snyder, north ridge acres, capital city colonias for nine years. I do believe that the election thing was an injustice all the way through. I think they will find some problems with that there. I understand that the f.b.i. Is involved in it. It didn't seem right the way it turned out, everything. I know now we are never going to get anything done. I think we are going to be like this for the next nine years or loarng. We have the hardest -- longer. We have the hardest people. I haven't met the new guy. I got an videotape from [inaudible] sent to me, on the internet, everything else, I'm making a bunch of copies of this here of all of the colonials around the Texas area, everything. Probably still got buckets to draw water out of the wells, on this tape. Nine years trying to come up here, get something done, Sonleitner do not care about precinct 2 I do not believe, she don't want to help anybody in precinct 2, trying to nine years to get something done. If there is some kind of voter fraud or whatever in this year elections and stuff, I hope nobody goes to see owe I hope they go to jail for it. I hope they go to jail. It seems awful funny. I do believe they should have four years in the county, that's it. They should have one term, that's it. But all of the -- of the bad stuff going on in the county, the -- rape, I say rape in the county, from the commissioners court, seems like to me that somebody would have stepped up better than it is. I saw on tv there mike man son was 98 -- mike hanson was 89% ahead, Gomez zero, you will of a sudden it turned around. He got like 10,000 voters everything. Which one thing about it, you all found out one thing. 10,000 voters out there that's not very happy with the way the county is being run. I think there's a whole lot more out there. But -- they -- there shouldn't be no colon I can'ts, I shouldn't have to come up here for nine years, begging for help, nobody wants to do anything about it. Seem like to me elections is a crime all the way through. Kind out and prosecute heavily, I think, if there is a crime because -- because we pay taxes every day. I know you all want light rail, commuter rail, underground rail, all of this kind of stuff. I don't see where you can get this money, everything, I know that you have the slush fund. Billions of dollars in there probably build all of the streets in gold and everything. We need more streets and everything? I don't think so. I think you need to fix the streets you already have. Paint on the street, big up the whole road to replace one stripe in a street. I don't think that there is what they need to do. They can pain that stuff over. People need potable water, sewer, getting off a fire hydrant, people need help. It's all on this tape. I will give you a coach it. My recorder broke, so I didn't make no copies. If -- it don't make any sense to me at all. Pay 12, 14, 1500 a year taxes on your house, you got to haul water in, I can't feed my puppies this water, I have to bring water in for them. Why people have to live like this, rain you can't flush your toilets, have sewer running down the streets, nobody wants to do anything about it. This is Travis County and Williamson county both. We are in travis and Williamson county both. Just -- just a bunch of property, land, people in both counties. You have contamination out there, it goes in Travis County and Williamson county the same. I can't understand it. Thank you.
>> thank you very much, mr. Snyder. Anybody else for citizens communication? The consent items are next. Posted for consent are c 1 through c 4, c 1 through c 4, and we have been asked to add the following items to the consent motion: as we call out the mr. Snyder. Anybody else for citizens communicaiton?

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM